"i miss him" ........

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That was that, Rusty had ran off to the forest never to be seen again. Smudge only saddend more with each day. He was perched on the fence of his garden until he hopped over to Henrys garden, tail remaining low. "Hello" Henry greeted with a smile, stretching out his chubby body across the soft grass. Smudge smiled back, weakly. "Still bummed out about Rusty?" He asked, sitting down and tail rapped around his paws. Smudge answered with a light nod. Henry was silent for a moment "I'm sure he'll come back. Or not..." he meowed. He looked over at his black and white furred friend, who's fuzzy face had was filled with sorrow. "I want him to be happy, but...." Smudge scratched the back of his ear with the claws of his hind leg before speaking. "I miss him" he sighed. Henry nuzzled against Smudges chest, "I know, I miss him to" Henry meowed, "but he's better of than just staring into the woods all day while stuck here. I'd say he's having the time of his life right now!" He cheerfully continued. A smile formed on Smudges face, "Yeah, he's probably eating a mouthful of mouse or somthing as we speak" the two colored cat chuckled. They remained sitting in Henrys garden, speaking of some random stuff until the sun went down. Smudge looked over to his chubby fluffy friend. "One day think I'll meet Rusty again" he meowed, hopeful. "Mabye" Henry chewed on some grass, his belly touching the ground. Suddenly Smudges ears perked up, his Twolegs called his name. "Guess I better get going, see you around" He hopped up to his paws and jumped back into his garden. Henry watched him leave. He padded back into his own Twolegs nest.




ERMM.... SO UHH.. ITS A SHORT ONE SORRY I just thought I'd start this freaking book with sonthin about smudge because poor smudge

Pretty much takes place after rusty left to be a dumb clan cat/j


Bye byeee !....

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