Chapter 4

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Present Day
Name POV

As you sat there, drifting from memory to memory a sad smile appeared on your face. The time you spent with Natsu and Igneel was short but, it was the happiest you had ever been. Tears crept up on you, they ment everything to why did they both leave?

Talia tried to snap you back into reality. "Name...NAME!" She screeched.
"Uh... oh sorry"
"Honestly, trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a brick wall" She moaned. Normally you would reply with a sarcastic comment but you were to run down thinking about the past. Talia could see this. She was the only one you ever told this to.
" Don't dwell on it child" She reassured " the past is the past, you have got to think about the future now" She place her tiny paws on your hands. This was what you meant, Talia was so sweet and caring towards you. You leant your head forward a little so that you heads were touching. "Yeah... I know" you replied softly. She gave me smile before standing back up.

"Come on, the train will be..." Suddenly the train shook violently causing Talia to fall.
"Talia? Are you okay?" She gave a small nod. you lent down to help pick her up but the was now speeding up causing you to fall as well. Every one around you began to panic, shouting , running and holding their children tight to them. You then turned to the sounds of loud bangs that were coming from the roof of the train. From to dips that were made in it. You new that at least three people were up there.

Turning back to Talia, you both were not just going to sit there. You made a promise to igneel to help all who need it. At the your blood began it boil. You felt your whole body warm up and steam radiated from you. your eyes then turned a deep red and with one punch you broke a hole in the train. Yep you guessed it, you were a wizard and not just any wizard. .. a fire dragon slayer.

You then, climb out of the hole you made, your hair whipping back and forth because of the speed on the train. You then melted the sides to created a sort of ladder. Getting up there was hard but you carried on. You told Talia to stay put because her little body might not have been able to cope with the wind. After finally making the top the whole thing seemed a blur. The three people you guessed at was there but moving so fast you could not make out there faces. All you could tell Is they were men, and seemed to be fighting.
For precautions you would alway were a scarf around you mouth to try and hide yourself a bit. Knotting it as quickly as you could you saw one of the men get punched off the train.
"Grey!" you heard one of them shout. You then decided to make my move. From what you saw you was pretty sure you new who the bad guy was. He was tall, had white hair with tattoos. A black long cloak and a bloody big sword. In his other hand he held what looked to be an old skull thing. Though he was surround by a sort of wind twister so it made it hard to tell. He began to move toward the other guy who was looking the other way towards this grey who got knocked off. You reacted only by instinct. He was ready to hit him "LOOK OUT!!! You screamed and jumped on him rolling him away from the punch he was about to get. Without looking at the guy you saved you created a shield of fire that surrounded you both. The man hit it hard. You knew it wasn't going to last much longer. Suddenly a felt a furmiular warmth brush past you and though your shield. He just stood there with ... FLAMES! flames were surrounding him. No you thought it couldn't be. The shield then broke and you sure him ready to attack. Though you were both blinded by a strong red light and heard those words FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!! It was him. The light had now gone down and you saw the man knocked out on the floor. You knocked the sword next to him off the train just in case. Then you frozen you could feel that warmth again brushed over you shoulders. You then turned only to have you heart ache. Natsu.

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