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Jake and Heeseung were never dating. They were a thing, but it was never serious. Not to Heeseung, anyway. A friends with benefits type of relationship, is what Heeseung would have called it. Never a 'yes, i'm with Jake Sim' type pf relationship. Like he was ashamed of Jake, or something.

"It's not that serious, Jake. Just drop it." He would say whenever Jake brought it up, always the dismissive type. And Jake would get angry, of course he would. He would storm out, ignoring Heeseung and the rest world for hours on end because he was upset.

Upset at Heeseung, upset at himself, upset at the sky for giving him a fortune and a future he would never be able to have.

He would always find his way back, though. Heeseung left the door unlocked for him, leftovers on the counter, the left side of the bed empty, a folded shirt the only thing on the light blue bed sheets. He'd hold Jake close, a soft kiss lingering on his head before he drifted off to sleep.

Until he didn't. Until Heeseung pulled back.

He screamed at Heeseung that day, begging with a shaky voice to know why Heeseung didn't take him seriously, take them seriously, take what they had seriously. Jake ran away that day, anger spilling over the pot at the fact that Heeseung had just looked at him, not even bothering to give him an answer.

He had tried to come back that night, but the door was locked.

His knocks were ignored, his phone calls and texts went unanswered. Soon enough, that door was left unlocked for someone else. The left side of the bed empty for Heeseung's new pet project, leftovers packed neat and tidy on the right side of the second shelf in the refrigerator.

Kim Sunoo was Jake's replacement, but he would never be Jake. Heeseung knew that better than anyone.

Jake finds himself waking up before Heeseung, the covers pulled to his chin, warmth seeping into every pore of his body. One of Heeseung's arms draped around his waist, a hand splayed across his stomach, a not fully there kiss pressed against his neck. He yawns, shifting in Heeseung's arms. He turns until he's facing the sleeping man in front of him.

He stares at Heeseung, raising one hand to trace the lines of his cheeks, the shallow dip of his eye bags, and the contour of his lips. He smiles sleepily, directing his eyes to the room around him. It's been close to eight months since he's last been here, yet everything is just how he remembers it.

The bookshelf in the corner filled with books that Heeseung doesn't read, instead there for Jake who couldn't keep his hands off of them. The picture frames scattered around, the posters of Heeseung and Jake's common music interests still hanging off of the walls.

Jake knows Heeseung like the back of his own two hands, yet none at all.

Heeseung shifts, startling Jake just the tiniest bit. His eyelashes flutter wildly as he stirs from sleep, arm tightening around Jake's waist as he wakes himself up.

"Good morning," Jake whispers softly, careful to not overwhelm Heeseung. He shouldn't be here but Heeseung was the one who brought him back again.

"Good morning, Jaeyun," he whispers back, voice raspy with sleep and doe eyes searing into his own. He squeezes Jake's waist, cupping his cheek and pulling him in to kiss him softly, just like he would have done if they were still seeing each other. Jake hums into it anyways, grasping Heeseung's bicep and throwing his leg over Heeseung's hip.

"Jake, fuck." Heeseung groans, hand curling around his thigh. Jake whimpers, shifting until he sits in Heeseung's lap. "Missed you," Heeseung gasps, cupping the back of his head and pulling him in closer.

Those words make something unknown churn to life in Jake's chest and he tastes the bile before he feels it. He pulls away, forcing himself out of Heeseung's arms before he throws up all over him. "Wait. Just wait."

"Jake? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Jake grumbles, crawling out of Heeseung's lap and shifting towards the side of the bed. "Just.. please don't say that to me."

Jake jumps at the soft press of a hand on his back, and Heeseung quickly pulls his hand away, resting it in his lap. "I just wanted you to know," he says quietly.

Jake scoffs, turning around to stare at Heeseung incredulously. "Really, Heeseung? You just wanted me to know? What about Sunoo?"

Heeseung groans, scrubbing his hands over his face. "Please don't do this right now."

Jake pushes off the bed, anger growing and blooming his chest. "And what if I want to? What do you say then?"

Heeseung stares up at him, jaw locked. "Just stop, Jake. This is crazy, even for you."

"Yeah, and who's fault is that?" Jake sneers, he leans forward to poke at Heeseung's chest angrily. "You weren't being honest with me, Heeseung. Did you just expect me to sit around and be a pet project forever?"

Heeseung rolls his eyes, pushing Jake's hand away from his chest, standing from the bed so that he towers over Jake. "You weren't a pet project, Jaeyun."

"Then what was I?" he scowls. "Because let's not forget it was you who ended things. Cowardly of you to lock the door when you knew I had nowhere else to go, too. What a man you are, Lee Heeseung."

They stand in silence, Heeseung's eyes burrowing into Jake's face. Jake watches him in anticipation, eyes narrowed, breath coming heavy, waiting for Heeseung to finally say something, anything. He sighs in exasperation when he realizes that Heeseung is never going to answer. "Are you really going to do this right now?"

Heeseung keeps quiet.

"Fine," Jake whispers, one arm circling around his chest protectively. "I've tried to figure this out with you, yet you refuse to communicate with me for reasons I can't even start to understand. I can't keep dancing around this with you, Heeseung. I'm leaving."

He doesn't even manage to get half a step away before Heeseung's hand closes around his wrists. "Jake, wait."

Jake frowns, anger dissipating into sorrow at Heeseung's pleading look. "I can't, Heeseung. I can't be your second choice."

The older man's eyebrows furrow. "You were never my second choice, Jake. You were always my first."

"Really?" Jake asks, searching Heeseung's eyes. He doesn't like the way the man is looking at him right now. "It doesn't seem like it."

Heeseung sighs, letting his eyes fall closed. "I ended things with Sunoo, okay? A couple months ago."

Jake hums, studying his face. "And what was the real reason you came there last night?"

Heeseung grimaces. "Because I knew you would be there," he looks up at Jake. "Because I know you."

Jake laughs humorlessly. "So what? Am I just supposed to give you another chance because you what, suddenly want my attention again?"

Heeseung shakes his head. "No, of course not. I—I just wanted you to know."

"Okay," Jake says, tugging his arm away from Heeseung's hold. "I'm still leaving, though."

"I know where to find you."

Jake scoffs, slipping into Heeseung's discarded sweatpants and t-shirt. "If you want your clothes back, you know where to find me."

Jake turns towards him, watching the way his smile spreads across his lips. "I'll see you later?"

Probably not, he wants to say, but he can't help but want to protect the hopeful look on Heeseung's face. "Depends on what the sky says."

the sky says | heejake ✓Where stories live. Discover now