A New Beginning

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I strongly suggest that you go see the epic trailer I designed for this book, link is in the comments :)

Seastone's POV:

I woke up, almost unable to breathe. I let out a weak gasp for air but I only coughed up fire. Blizzard was next to me, roaring in fury. My vision slowly cleared and I saw thick chains wrapped around our legs, arms, tail and neck. The chain on my neck was cut and I breathed out all the air I was holding in.

The room we were in had a roof of diamonds and some kind of orange gem, with walls of cobblestone and a floor of wet, mossy wood. Cells were arranged in the corners of the room, where we were located. I heard a small, weak whisper from behind me, where Galaxy was. The only words I could hear were "What" "She" and "do?" I shrugged and tried to wiggle myself out of the chains.. I gasped as a lightbulb went on in my head.

Wind's POV:

My red scales seemed to change colors for a second as my chains were cut. But why? Everyone else was still chained up...

"Sister," a familiar SkyWing voice said. I turned my head and gasped to see a red-scales body with a matching rubellite necklace like mine.

"G-Gem?" I said weakly.

"Actually, it's Firestar," she hissed. "Gem is the stupidest name for a SkyWing." She stabbed her long, thick horns into my ribs as if I were nothing but a mango. A trail of blood started dropping down my underbelly as I let out a yell of pain. She whipped her tail under my legs so I tripped, and she pinned me to the ground.

"F-F-Firestar . . . Please . . ."

"Oh, sister. You never won the fights we did in the royal hatchery. Don't bother trying now." She let out a hiss of delight and looked up at the stars that were visible through the diamond ceiling. "One day, I'll kill mother and take over the SkyWings. The first order will be 'Kill Windseeker.' If you're still alive," She sneered. Firestar's eyes turned dark red and her body lit fire. I knew I recognized something like that before....

Storm's POV (Yay, we usually don't do his POV):

My yellow scales were dim in the darkness. Watching Wind and Firestar argue reminded me of my stupid brothers. I sighed. I had the worst family ever.

Galaxy looked as if he had a huge headache going on. It's normal, I thought. Oh. I remembered when Galaxy confessed he could see the future. I wasn't jelly, though, I'm he one with the invisibility and venom - and the attractive looks. I shook my head and remembered what was really going on.

"LET US GO, YOU UGLY SKYWING," Blizzard roared. Before Firestar could say anything, Blizzard ripped through his chains toughly, and as fast as lightning, leaped on her and put his foot-long claws to her throat. I gasped as the room flooded with sunlight. It was so bright, almost white. The sunlight soon stopped and before I knew it, Blizzard had a poisonous barb on his tail. Blizzard looked down at his tail barb and grinned and looked happier than I'd ever seen him. He stabbed it into Firestar's heart, but right at the last moment, the SkyWing heir disappeared and disintegrated into dust. Blizzard ripped open the rest of our chains and looked disappointed.

Wind almost had lost herself. She tumbled down to the floor and whimpered. A tear landed softly on the wooden floor. Blizzard, nicely, put a wing around Wind and said, "it's OK"

That was the nicest thing he'd ever said. Normally, he would've grunted something like "don't worry, we'll go kill her later." What was up? Is he getting nicer for some unknown reason?

Wind seemed to get happier from that. She looked up at Blizzard as if she were thinking, he's finally mine...

Flames interrupted the silence. They were coming straight from Wind's body. Her eyes glowed dark red and she disappeared the same way her sister had.

"What-what was that?" Galaxy whispered, wiping the dust off his one good horn, as the other one had been snapped by a SandWing.

"I don't know," I said. But when it came to family, I was very protective. "But . . . Where's Seastone?"

Seastone's POV:

My plan had worked. I had managed to make a contraption that would give Blizzard that tail barb. It may sound impossible, but it worked. Once again, I was in the ocean . . . and I saw a face.

"Seastone," Vortex managed to say loudly, "You have done it. You've been chosen as the one to do it all."

"What do you mean?" I asked weakly.

"You're the chosen one. You have the power..." She coughed and her voice dropped. Even though she was already in the world of the dead.

I grabbed her talon and I got a huge idea. I took her to the bottom of the ocean and counted to 3.





Ground Shaking {Sequel to The True Fate} [ON HOLD]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora