|'CHAPTER'| 22☆{updates}

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Lopsie POV:

I was doing my normal shit, spying on people and all that... it was 1am and it was time to spy on the emo. Cause I was told to. At 1 in the freaking morning.

Hold on!? Is that... moaning!?!?

I start running down the corridor, flopping my wings everywhere as I stop at Sanemi's door.

No... don't tell me...

I slowly open the door just a crack and oh my shitting Lopsie I saw Giyuu pounding into Sanemi like he was some sort of take out meal!!!

My eyes widened to the size of sources and I flung my wings over my beak in horror. My stick-ass legs gave in and I was just sat in the doorway watching it all in pure terror.

It's always me isn't it...?

After about 4 hours of torture they finally collapsed. And I shit you not I ain't ever listening to Milz again.

'I need your help' She said.
'Just help the plot' she said...
'Take Giyuu out of Sanemi's room' she said.


I immediately walk out and grab a stick from my room and pack my bow tie, eyeliner and sunglasses in a red and white spotted piece of felt and tie it round the stick.

'Lopsie.' No... not that voice...

'What the fuck do you think your doing?' It was... her..

'Uh... I was just trying a new fashion trend!' I say in a nervous sweat. 'Oh? Is that so? Well that's good, cause if you were trying to escape or anything... you do realise that you have a story to complete... right? And NO ONE gets to leave until this FUCKING story is done. Do. You. Fuckin. Hear. Me?" She warned as I practically melted in fear, I hate this woman so much goddamn.

'Get outta my way Milz, I'm done, not after that shit!' I fume as she just laughs like a spaz. 'Bitch if you walk out that fuckin door, I'll make the new plot you getting murdered. Do you understand?' She creepily smiled at me as I nod slowly and she dissolves. Again.

Guys one vote on this chapter to save me from the author. -[ps, don't listen to it, it doesn't understand my way of work!- Milz (the author).]

So Milz then decided to tell me to remove Giyuu from the bed and pretend nothing happened to get the plot rolling. So I very normally pick Giyuu up and bring him to bed and spend the rest of the night shrivelled up and rocking back and fourth infront of the mirror in the corner of the room. (Only one person will get this reference)

Narrator POV:

It was morning and in the kitchen was a few people busying about...

'Gah! Awhhh how annoying.' Douma sighed as Akaza snapped his neck and shot him a glare. 'Can you shut the fuck up for 2 seconds while I make something to eat? God.' Akaza scoffed before putting the tray of pastries in the oven.

Douma glanced at him with a pout. 'But... I snapped a nail Akazaaa...' Douma whined as Akaza turned and threw the oven gloves at Douma's face.

'For gods sake, can you two stop bickering!? I'd rather be sliced up by the murderer than hear this any longer!' Muzan complained as Kokoshibo crossed his arms. 'He's right, you both need to do something about your annoying childish arguments.' Kokoshibo rolled his eyes as Akaza scowled. 'Your one to talk, your childish jealousy over Yoriichi isn't doing its best in this argument-' Akaza was cut off by Yoriichi shoving a kitchen cloth in his mouth. 'Only I get to annoy my brother.' Yoriichi crossed his arms as Kokoshibo just blinked awkwardly.

'Oh em gee, can you guys shut up? Gosh I'm busy doing makeup over here!' Daki huffed as Nakime awkwardly patted her shoulder. 'Can you give me a-' Nakime was cut off by Daki's excited squealing. 'Makeover!? Oh my god yeah!' Daki immediately started poofing Nakime's face with blush as Gyutaro shrugged as he leaned against the wall in silence.

'How about you use the makeup to cover Hantengu's massive pimple!' Gyokko snickered as all four clones immediately snapped their heads in his direction as Hantengu just cried.

'WAAAAAAA how cruel!!!' Hantengu cried like a fucking baby cause that's all its useless ass is good for, I don't care about its stupid backstory cause this stupid bitch won't stop cowering and crying.

'Ugh! The audacity of some people to bully someone in fear!' Urogi scoffed as Gyokko turned to him. 'Bitch no one asked you so shut your mouth bro.' Gyokko rolled his eyes before Urogi immediately started crying as Karaku patted his back.

'Oi fish tank smelling ass! You hurt eagles feelings!!!' Karaku hissed as Gyokko blinks in confusion. 'What did I even say!?'

'You disrespected his neopronouns!!!' Karaku said a-matter-of-factly. 'Who cares about Urogi when this pale ass bitch is somehow getting away with wearing a vase as a head accessory!' Sekido pointed as Gyokko gasped in offence. 'Excuse you! This is prime artwork!' Gyokko yelled.

'Oh hell no, don't tell me your kinky, stinky ass made a vase a fashion item!? Holy shit where are your morals?' Aizetsu almost fainted in disgust. 'God I pity you and your art style!' Aizetsu she'd a tear.


'Ugh no way in hell is this pale, sticky, stinky, kinky, saggy, raggy, fishy, tacky, knacky, crackie, stackie, macies halloween mcflury knock off Kaburamaru lookin ass is making fun of a single pimple!?' Zokuhten stuck his tounge out at Gokko.

'Someone fucking help me.' Muzan sighed as some random assed fans teleported behind Muzan with a bouquet of roses. 'No. Anyone but you freaks.' Muzan shivered in discomfort as they all melted into the floor boards.

A/N- enjoy your update on telephone uppermoons and Yoriichi. 😁

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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