Sparks and Sparring: Banter, Battles, and Butterflies

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As I prepared for the day ahead, a sense of excitement coursed through me, buoyed by the prospect of training in the warm weather. Opting for light shorts and a comfortable top, I relished the freedom they offered for movement.

As I applied a touch of makeup, the conversation from last night lingered in my mind. Suguru's warning had left me slightly unsettled, but I quickly brushed it aside. After all, Suguru was known for his playful antics, and I couldn't imagine him being entirely serious. Plus, he was best friends with Gojo, who was known for his unpredictable nature.

With a shrug, I decided not to dwell on it any further. After all, today was about embracing the moment and honing my skills, not worrying about cryptic warnings. With a smile, I finished getting ready, eager to embark on whatever the day had in store.

Feeling ready and energized, I made my way to the training ground where the merged classes were set to take place. As I arrived, I noticed a buzz of excitement in the air. Nanami and Haibara were already engaged in conversation with Gojo and Suguru, their animated gestures and laughter filling the space. However, Shoko was notably absent, and a pang of disappointment washed over me. She seemed intriguing, and I was curious to see her in action.

Haibara caught sight of me and called out, "Come over here, Y/n!" I flashed him a thumbs up and made my way over to join their circle. "Hi, guys," I greeted, receiving short hellos in return. Then, Gojo's gaze landed on me, and he posed a question that caught me off guard. "You, what's your curse technique?"

My eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. You? Don't tell me he doesn't even know my name, I thought to myself. "Oh, erm, I have shock punch, and I've recently developed gravimagnetic repulsion," I replied, trying to keep my tone casual despite the internal annoyance.

Suguru tilted his head in confusion. "I don't remember you having this new technique," he remarked.

I couldn't resist a smirk. "Yeah, it's new, dumbass," I retorted playfully, earning a chuckle from Gojo. "Nah, Suguru, your sister has quite the mouth," Gojo teased, prompting Suguru to roll his eyes.

"Clearly, you both have something in common," Suguru mumbled under his breath. Gojo leaned in, putting his hand to his ear in mock curiosity. "What was that?" he taunted, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Anyhow, expand on your technique," Suguru prompts, his curiosity evident. I nod, pondering how to articulate the complexities of my abilities. "Alright, so let's start with shock punch," I begin, leaning forward to emphasize the gravity of my words. "It's an electrifying ability where I harness and channel electricity through my body to supercharge my punches. Upon impact, I unleash a surge of electromagnetic energy, delivering a shocking blow to my target."

I pause, allowing the imagery to sink in before continuing. "This electrifying discharge can disrupt neural signals, leaving opponents paralyzed or struggling to control their movements. What sets it apart is my precise control over the intensity and duration of the shock, allowing me to tailor the effects to each situation. However, it comes at a cost—it demands a significant amount of energy and effectiveness can vary depending on the target's resistance."

"Now, onto Gravimagnetic Repulsion," I explain, my voice tinged with excitement. "This technique is where things get really interesting. It's a fusion of gravitational manipulation and magnetic properties, giving me the power to repel or attract objects with astounding precision."

"With a mere thought, I can manipulate gravitational fields to push away or draw in objects, all while infusing them with magnetic properties for added control. This versatility allows me to excel in combat, as I can deflect attacks, disarm opponents, or even manipulate the environment to gain the upper hand."

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