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In the dead of night, the silence of the house is shattered by the sound of my panicked cries.
Her breathing is erratic, my heart racing as waves of fear and anxiety wash over me in a relentless onslaught.

Colby, stirred from his sleep by her distress, rushes to her side, his heart pounding In his chest. He finds me curled up on the bed, tears streaming down my face as I struggle to catch my breath.

"Y/N, what's wrong." He asked, his voiced laced with concern as he gathers her into his arms. "You're safe, I'm here."
But I can't find the words to explain, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of fear and panic. All I can do is cling on to Colby, seeking solace in his comforting embrace as he whispers soothing words in my ear.

Meanwhile, Sam, awakened by the commotion, listens from the next room, his heart heavy with guilt and remorse. He knows he's cause of my distress, the source of my pain, but he's paralyzed by fear, unable to face the consequences of his actions.

As Colby holds me close, his heart breaks for me, knowing that something is terribly wrong but unsure of how to fix it. All he can do is be there for me, to offer his love and support unconditionally, even if he doesn't understand what I am going through.

And as the night stretches on, Colby remains by my side,his arms a safe haven in the storm of my panic. Together, they weather the darkness, clinging to each other as they navigate the turbulent waters of trauma and healing

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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