Chapter One; Goodbye Home

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"I still can't believe we're doing this." Ross says, "Why are we even moving here anyway?"
"It will be good for you two to get fresh air." Says Riley, his caretaker.
"You'll love it! I promise!" Adds Alex, Riley's partner, and lab assistant.
"Come on Ross it will be fun!" Brye says, squeezing his best friends cheeks and smiling. Ross smiles back.
"I guess at least with you here it can't be boring."
"That's the spirit!" Brye says. He sits back and stares out the window. Ross lays back in his chair. He falls asleep with his head resting on Bryes shoulder, his fluffy jacket like a pillow.

Finally they arrive at their new home. A newer house away from the rest of the city. The boys settle into their new room. A small one, only a dresser and an old looking bunk bed are in it.
"I call top bunk!" Ross yells, before climbing the side instead of the ladder and clawing his name into the wood.
"Of course I'm the bottom. Of course," says Brye. He lays down on the bed and falls asleep. Ross falls asleep a short while later.

The boys are awoken by Riley.
"Wake up boys! It's time to go to new school!" The scientist yells. Slowly they get out of bed and get dressed,
"Aren't you going to brush your teeth?" Brye asks, Ross just hisses before running out the door. Brye follows him and they walk down the street to their new school.

The day goes pretty well for their first day. Mostly just stares, for a small town they probably aren't very used to weird furry animal people.
"What's up kitty boy?" A tall guy says. Ross hisses at him and makes a fist as his claws come out.
"What you gonna scratch me?" He laughs. Ross lunges towards him and scratches his arm, the boy yells before going in to punch Ross in the face, but his arm is stopped by something large and black.
"Leave him alone!" A girl yells, they turn to look and see a tall girl, with short brown hair. Her face is red with anger. She has visible fangs and large bat wings.
"What you gonna do about it batman?" Asks the boy. She slaps him with her wing and trips him. He gets up and walks away, almost growling with anger.
"Thank You." Ross says, stuttering.
"Your welcome, ya new here?" She asks,
"Yeah.." Ross says.
"Cool." She walks away.
"Oooh you like her!" Brye says, he punches Ross's arm and laughs, Ross hisses before climbing the wall and laying on a beam across the ceiling. Brye smiles.
"We gotta go home." He says, he pulls Ross off the beam and they walk home. They survived their first day of school. Barely. Or perhaps bearly?

  "Roos!" Brye yells, shaking the bunk bed. "Wake up" Ross replies with a hiss and gets out if bed. They get dressed and start walking to school. Ross has trouble with math, like a lot. But thanks to their parents they both pretty much know everything in high school science. Finally the bell rings and they walk to lunch, they get  their food, and they face the same problem they've had every day so far,
"Ok where do we sit this time?" Ross says,
"There!" Brye says, running to a table. Ross looks, he went to the girl from yesterday. They sit down,
"Oh hey you guys!" She says, "Where have you been?"
"Just school." Ross says.
"You know I never introduced myself."  She says, "I'm Eve Chiroptera."
"I'm Ross Crowe" he says, almost drooling over her.
"I'm Brye Morelle" he says, "Stupid straight people crushes" he thinks. Then Eve and Ross just start staring into each other's eyes and giggling
"Ook time for me to go." Brye says, he throws his food in the trash and walks outside. He finds a hill behind the school and walks down it, at the bottom he sees a forest. He starts to walk through it before finding a small meadow hidden by trees.

  "It smells amazing here" he thinks. He walks though the meadow, picking all different kinds of flowers, he sees one larger than the rest, a lot larger. But when he gets closer it's not a flower. It's a boy, and he's asleep. But before Brye can say something, he falls asleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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