Chapter 4: Heroine

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{The 3 groups enter the main room and find Elena miserably failing to attack the big cloud of Chaos in the middle} "How did Elena get here before us?" Asked Aki. "The Huyahverse may never know." Lily replied. "You can't stop me from wondering though." Said Tai. "Elena, would you mind moving a bit?" Asked Eevee "Ok." Said Elena in reply {Elena moves out of the way} "Ok guys this was kinda unexpected in an expected way but let's start the final phase of our short plan!" Yelled Lily. {The 4 do cool magic; big flash of light; after the light subsides the cloud is gone and there is a big faint hint of a circle. Four figures are on the cardinal points of the circle and there is a fifth in the center} "Hey is that Elena in that corner over there?" Asked someone. "Then in the other corners are the scouts!" Yelled someone else. "Well I think there should be a change of architecture" Said Eevee. After ushering everyone outside Eevee snapped her fingers and the structure fell, shortly after up came a new village and Town Center. "Now for now this is where we will stay. It isn't easy to find a new hill you know!" Said Eevee.

After that everyone went home... except the residents of Fren Hill. Everyone was rushing about trying to claim a home as their own. For now there was pretty much no economy at all and Void Institute was in ruins. The people of Silknest were trying to help the people rebuild as Silknest was barely affected at all. The leaders, or Eevee and Silknest's queen, were making new plans for the village that Eevee snapped into place. The people that had the short end of the stick were the people that worked or studied at Void Institute. They basically lived there. Most of the students claimed a big enough house and moved in with their roommates. The teachers just got a proper sized home and moved in. The rest of the 4 went back to where they met before their war and started talking about what would happen next. "We have to get other Lily to rejoin us. It's going to get very hard without her. Slimana's magic is acting up again." Said Eevee while slamming the table. "She's right we have to act fast." Replied Tai "Well the thing is other me, after she left she kinda got a last name." Said Lily "WHAT!!" Said Eevee "Now her name on the planet she lives on is Lily Kali Rose." Replied Lily.

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