||normal day ||

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Today was another normal day you woke up like every other day to your annoying alarm clock and you immediately turn it off annoyed and when back to bed for 5 more minutes but your mom came in "Athena hunny get up you have school your gonna be late" you groan "but mom i don't wanna go to school" your mom sighs and crosses her arms "young lady get up and get ready for school or else" you get up tired and stretch your arms out yawing "okay fine im up" you giggle and your mom shakes her head walking out and you go to the bathroom and brush your teeth and wash your face then you go to your closest to pick out your clothes for the day and you decide to dress nice today so you started looking for some decent clothes but also simple at the same time and soon you decide to wear blue denim cargo pants with a black shirt and green sweater (you can change it if you want)

Today was another normal day you woke up like every other day to your annoying alarm clock and you immediately turn it off annoyed and when back to bed for 5 more minutes but your mom came in "Athena hunny get up you have school your gonna be late...

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*your outfit*

After you got dressed you went downstairs to eat some breakfast and luckily your mom cook your f/f (favorite food)  "omg mom your the best" you say as you stuff your face your mom laughs "okay slow down i dont want you to choke on your food" you slowed down and soon finished and put the dishes in the sink took your backpack and said goodbye to your mom before you walked to school

When you got school you went to your locker to get some of your books and as you were two of your friends came over it was Serena and Blair "athena guess what" squealed Blair you giggle at her "what blair" she comes closer and starts to look around to see if anyone is listening to us "i heard the avatar the last airbender cast is gonna be coming to our town soon" you raise an eyebrow "okay so why are you whispering that its not like everywhere they are is a secret" blair rolls her eyes "i know but still i'd rather whisper someone could be listening" you face plant yourself "Serena why are you so quiet today" she shrugs "its to early in the morning man" me and blair agree and then the bell rings and we got to our class and soon it was 7th hour and almost time to go home but the teacher was yapping on and on about something to do with the civil war and soon after the bell ran dismissing you home so you pack your stuff puts some books in your locker and walk home and as your walking home you accidentally bump into boy skating and you fall flat on your butt "omg im so sorry" said the boy and you replied "no your okay" you get and you see the boy and you immediately recognize its Gordon Cormier and your mental screaming but you don't say anything cuz of how many fans he might have to deal and you don't want to be one of them. He looks at you and says "im really sorry I wasn't paying attention to where i was going" and you replied "its okay I wasn't either"the boy was wearing a hat sunglasses and a normal t-shirt and sweatpants and you could barley see his face and you both parted ways and you eventually reached home and you went to your room after and greeted your mom and started doing homework and then your mind drifted to how familiar that boy looked but maybe you were just imagining it so you soon got ready for bed and set your alarm clock before you climbed your bed and went under the sheets and you fell asleep and went into dreamland


So this my first time writing so im sorry if this is bad i'll try to make this better 😭😓

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