A Note of Opposing Sides

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4-23-24, Edison Silver

Dear ###...

   I understand you're hurt, but pushing ### away isn't the best course of action. I know and understand that trauma dumping and telling everyone your problems is wrong but removing and shutting them out isn't going to help with anything. They seem to be seeking attention but I was also in the same place years ago. I didn't trauma dump or spread my problems but I did spread lies about myself. I used to do this because I was seeking attention on a deeper level. An emotional level. I can relate to them because I was in shoes similar to theirs. There were people who knew my problems but chose to stay with me and they helped me more than you can comprehend. What if me, ###, and ### pushed you away? What if when you got bad because of your problems, we just shut you out of our lives? You can't help that you have problems so what would you do if we just simply cut you out of our lives? This is the exact same thing that you're doing you're doing to ###. ### can't help that they have issues and that they need help but they might not be able to get that help. I love you. I really and truly do. But, we are different. I don't think the way you do. I don't act the way you do. We have different thought processes. You need to understand that. I can do my own things. You can't make my decisions. You can't tell me who I can and can't talk to. You can't tell me what I'm supposed to say or how I need to act. You can't dictate my life. I want you to know and I hope you know that I love you. I wouldn't trade you for anything. I will always be on your side. But this one thing is something serious and we don't think the same about it. They need help. Serious help. I'm not completely on the opposing side but neither am I with you. I'm in the middle. And I'd like to help ###, like those who helped me. My sincerest apologies. I do hope you understand, and if you don't then that's alright. We all learn differently, everythings a learning process. Your thoughts are valid and I understand where you're coming from. Your feelings are valid and I understand where you're coming from. You're still learning and growing, not just physically, but mentally. Everyone is different. No two people are the same. Our point of views are different and that's why you may not get where I'm coming from and where I'm going with this. Though I do hope in time you will understand my point of view. But if not, then that's alright. I love you just the same as I did years ago.

With love, Edison Silver

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