well shit

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I wrote this bc I realized when I wrote episode 7 aftermath ellie got eliminated when right after I wrote "I might be next" and I was like "oh shit 😭"

[In the villains alliance gc]
ellie: regretting my life decisions

alec: uh... why?

ellie: I fucking jinxed it

riya: wdym

ellie: uh remember in the normal gc, after fiore got eliminated, I said I might be next

fiore: turns out it was trueeeee

ellie: stfu fiore

fiore: nah ur mad cuz you got eliminated

ellie: I can say the same for you fiore..

yul: what tf are we talking about

alec: the fact that ellie got eliminated right after she said she would

yul: lmao okay

alec: but now the rest of us are fucked because if yellow loses one of us is going home

riya: oh 😭

yul: bitch it's literally going to be you..

riya: you fucking wish yul

yul: and my wish will come true. how many times did you betray this "alliance"

fiore: too many.

riya: uh what?

fiore: UH HELLOO?? You were supposed to help me win the challenge but noooo you didn't and look at the outcome, my ass is at the loser motel

alec: damn fiore wrote a whole paragraph 😭

grett: I mean the girl's not wrong.. riya did vote yul..


riya: ugh fine whatever it was me


**Yul goes offline

alec: he didn't mean that did he?

grett: no he just gets really mad 😭

ellie: how would you know?

grett: uh im his girlfriend

fiore: yeah no shit, we know.

alec: damn stop arguing and go to sleep

idk what else to write just thought this would be funny lol

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