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students filed into the classroom leah sat down next to dusty her head leaning against his arm she was confused as to why they were all here. "oi eshay bah!" ant and spider said as cash walked in. "how was stereo brah?" spider joked. "so cemetery tomorrow?" dusty asked the group leah nodded her head liking the sound of getting drunk.

"oi uh whats the cemetery?" darren asled from infront of them. "none ya biz bong water." spider replied back making leah shake her head. "okay settle down thankyou." woodsy spoke from the front of the classroom. "hi, everyone. I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo. kind of like, Yo-yo, but J." she sqys while chuckling before clearing her throat "im an English teacher,
so I know some of you." she continues while scanning the room.

"but I'm sure you're all wondering
why you're here. well, your names were
on the map in the stairwell. the one that's out of bounds." she says. "thanks to some stupid bitch." leah muttered under her breath. "um what map?" someone calls from the front leah hadnt seen him around before.

"okay, very funny. look, peeps, we're not dumb. we know a lot of you are sexually active, but we're concerned this map
demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships. so we want to address it head-on. this is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy a sexual literacy tutorial." jojo informs.

leah let out a loud groan. "SLT so were sluts?" darren asked making everyone laugh. spuder and ant chanted sluts multiple times. "so fucking immature." leah said turning to face dusty with an unimpressed look on her face. "that's enough. come on, everyone." woody saif gaining everyonea attention.

"this class will go back to the basics on sex and because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in that department. itll happen twice a week, in your own time" jojo says. "what a fucking joke." leah yelled standing up about to walk out. "sit down miss raymond" woodsy calls. making her roll her eyes and sit back down.

"until we judge that you started
to respect each other and yourselves. you have to attend every class or it'll go on your permanent record." woodsy says. "wait, we have permanent records?
this is sex jail!" students called out annoyed. "thanks alot map bitch." ant calls out throwing a ball of paper at her.

"sorry um its actually my first day. i don't think I'm supposed to be in here." the new kid malakia said raising his hand up. "legend made it to the map
before you even started" spider said amused. "i want to leave." leah said to dusty bored out of her mind. "all right everybody up!" woodsy shouted.

everyone stood up except leah not wanting to participate in whatever stupid activity they were going to do. "up." woodsy repeated again staring at her. "i dont want to." leah spoke back looking at her nails. "miss raymond its detention or you get up." she stood up rolling her eyes.

"okay, now clear these tables to the side, please. and lift them, don't scrape them along the floor." woodsy called out students not listening as they dragged the tables. "thank you. now, I want you all to start walking around the room." everyone stayed still. "come on walking!" they started moving everyone muttering in annoyance.

"now i want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands with." "what the fuck is this bullshit!" leah yelled out. "language thankyou now shake." woodsy said making leah roll her eyes. she shook hands with dusty, ant and missy before standing still next to dusty.

"spencer you have genital crabs." leah snorted. "checks out." darren said making leah laugh even more. "not in real life, thank you, darren, for the purposes of this game." woodsy informs
"put your hand up, spencer. he refused
"and up, "spencer." he refused again. "now!" woodsy yelled spider slowly raised his arm.

"hands up, who shook hands with Spencer. and who shook hands with them? and who shook hands with them?
and them?" everyone had their hand up except amerie. "you all have genital warts." making spider snicker. "i thought it was crabs?" malakai said confused. "right crabs thankyou um?" woodsy stopped. "malakai." he finished.

"we go cementry together?" leah asked dusty looking up at him. "yeah baby." he said pulling her into a hug. the bell rang leah and dusty walked back to the table. dusty pulling his phone out to look at the map. ant and spider surronding him. dusty turned around to look at amerie as she was walking out.

"hey um did we hook up?" dusty asked her. "no." she replied looking at leah who was deathstaring her. "yeah i didnt think so but it says here." he says pointing at his phone. "it isnt anything dusty." she said nervously. "theres like a gold line between our names." dusty says confused. "gold line means destined." spider called out from behind.

"yeah like destined to be." ants says. "she wants you." spider calls out. "looks like im in the way of something." leah says walking up to dusty and amerie. amerie storms out of the classroom. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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