Episode 29 - Frozen Hearts: Part 1

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“NOOOOOOO!” Maddison cried out as Alejandra dropped to the floor, her sword clattering to the side and her blood soaking the dirt beneath her. Maddison glares at Hughie with unbridled rage. “I’LL KILL YOU!”

“Jeez.” He shrugged. Walking over to the witch and kicking her in the face. “Shut up will you. I thought you’d be far more refined than that.”

Maddison rolled over coughing blood. She grit her teeth. If only she wasn't restricted by these chains, if only she could've prevented herself from getting caught in them in the first place.

Suddenly a large flare shot up above the palace and exploded in a fiery splash of light and sparkle. “It seems our job here is done.” He glances towards the Red Witch. “I should probably dispose of you as well, while I’m at it.” He glanced down at the blade the Lady had been using earlier.

He had intended to take it after all. It was a powerful and beautiful sword. There was no swordsman in the world who could resist holding such a weapon.

He walked over and leaned down to pick it up. As soon as his hand held the handle a violent vision appeared in his head.

“Decrepit.” A bone chilling voice or more like a multitude of voices whispered directly to his mind. “Thou Spirit is far too weak.”

It was a small figure, no more than the size of his palm, but like a nightmarish hallucination, it freaked the ever living hell out of him. It was like a cold brewing darkness enveloped his entire body. His eyes could not perceive this creature in front of him.

“Mine rightful master still lives.” The creature spoke in an echo. “Thou life bears no power.” The creature raised its hand and a dreadful feeling cut into the Captain's stomach.

He dropped the blade immediately to the ground and stared at it with caution.

“LOOK AT ME!” Maddison’s voice called from the back. “YOU BASTARD!” Her cries of anguish and anger were ignored from the tense cold atmosphere that radiated from the blade.

Hughie stepped away.

The sword shook on its own. The ground below it is freezing over and turning completely frozen. It levitated a few inches above the ground and rushed to the Lady’s corpse, perching within her palms.

Then, like a wave of terror. His instinct told him to run. Run as fast as he could from there as fast as possible. He didn't listen to these instincts, instead, he was excited. What could come of this dread he was feeling?

The Lady’s loose hand gripped the sword’s hilt in a second. “Thou shall not leave this place unharmed.” She spoke. Not in her own voice, but in the voice of the creature earlier.

Then Hughie blinked. The environment around the Lady began to warp and bend, it was obvious what was happening.

Alejandra Ramirez’s body had awoken its Spirit.

Hughie smirked, his blood rushing to his finger tips. He hurriedly drew his blade and pointed it towards the creature in front of him. “Have at it!” He boasted… but that came at a cost.

A wave of energy sent gusts of wind snapping in all directions. A pressure he has never felt before engrained itself into his body. An aura, a white aura of Spirit so large it couldn't fit in his view.

A white aura so massive the likes of which he didn't even think was possible. It almost sent him down to his knees.

What was this power? This Spirit?

The Lady—The Monster in front of him. Its eyes all white, its skin pale as snow, and its hair shining like silver. This wasn't human, it was like facing an Ice deity itself.

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