Chapter 84

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Please do read the Author's Note (AN) at the end of the chapter.

" why the hell is an Admiral here?" Jules could hear Ussop scream in panic at the same time as keeping his aim precise. " oh common you damn Pinocchio, I said this a few minutes ago, because we are a damn emperor's crew." Jules said with a sadistic grin on her face as excitement ran through her blood, for the upcoming fight. " lufffyyyyyyyyyy...........whhhhyyyyyyy" Ussop whined wondering when they went from getting attacked by small bounty hunters to getting attacked by fucking damn Admirals.

luffy on the other hand just laughed like an idiot getting ready to fight the new admiral. under those shades, Jules could tell Ryokugyu was looking at her and not Luffy. this fact confused her, technically it was easy to tell the head of the opposite side would be fighting Luffy, but it seemed that Ryokugyu's goal was to confront Jules and not the straw hat captain.

Luffy was shivering with excitement ready to fight the Admiral but suddenly stopped when he saw Jules swiftly and gracefully jump from the far end of the main deck all the way to the stairs of the upper deck right behind him. he heard a few marine soldiers groan and gasp in pain and surprise as Jules sliced them in their chest before they could even see her coming there way.

wordlessly Jules climbed up the stairs onto the upper deck with the same cold hard look in her eyes and her knives firmly held in her hands. just as gracefully as she had jumped from the main deck, she walked up to Luffy with a bold and strong elegance. but instead of looking at the captain, her eyes were fixed on their opponent. with slow yet precise and alert steps Jules walked past Luffy and stood a few steps ahead of the captain.

Ryokugyu smirked seeing the young woman understand his intentions of her being his target. " what do you want?" Juels asked just as coldly as her eyes stared into her opponent's soul. it would be a lie if Ryokugyu said he didn't feel a terrifying shiver run down his spine. it was rather Nostalgic, the feeling of such fear, he remembered feeling something similar when he was just a trainee and had seen the world's strongest man whitebeard, all those years ago. however, that feeling of fear was only there for a few milliseconds.

" Straight to the point I see," Ryokugyu said his smirk only growing. "I and our cook still have lunch to make, cook san doesn't like being late and my captain gets cranky if a meal is delayed, so I don't plan to waste our time," Jules said, her voice so chill and casual, stark opposite to the look in her cold eyes. her eyes screaming challenge. 

her casual attitude ticked the admiral off but for the sake of his pride, he controlled himself from getting into an argument with her. Luffy on the other hand was getting impatient and had started throwing the marine soldiers off the ship.

"Well, it seems like you won't be helping in making that lunch then," Ryokugyu said smugly. 

" that didn't sound so cool now did that?" Ussop said to Sanji who was fighting a few steps away from him. " he is probably pissed off at himself because of that."

some marine soldiers around were trying their hardest to not laugh at their senior officer's not-so-cool words. 

" seems like you gotta work on your lines Admiral San," Juels said sarcastically. this only made the admiral angrier. " I'll see you talk once I have captured you, you brat." " and why do you think I would get captured, especially by you?" Jules asked as she jumped and now stood on the Sunny's figurehead a few feet away from the Admiral who was standing by the figurehead of his own ship right in front of Sunny. 

"the gods themselves have ordered me to capture you, Newgate Jules." Ryokugyu said feeling proud at getting direct orders from his gods themself. " mean the snot dripping, mannerless, delusional as fuck, self-claimed gods, who probably don't even wipe their own ass?" Jules had summed up every possible insult she could think of in that one statement for the so-called celestial dragons. 

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