2: Not a Date

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The heat from the flat iron filled the small area of my room, resulting in me having to open up my window for the nice fall air to enter the steam accumulated space. Holding a thick strand between the plates, I pulled them free in their straight luxury. Half of my head had been pampered and straightened from their frizzy natural form then my mom decided to open the door to my bedroom. Knocking really wasn't her thing, neither was closing the door all the way. 

"Sweetie, what time is he picking you up again? I just want to make sure you're out safe before I head out with Michelle," Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and her facial features were popping with the help of some mascara and lipstick. 

"Around seven," I smiled at her through the mirror while I reached for another strand. My mom nodded, making her way over to me slowly, her heels clicking with every step on my wooden covered floor. 

"I'm happy you're going out, since what happened with Clarice," Her painted lips dropped into a frown while she played the half of my hair that had been attended to. I sighed lightly catching her sad eyes with my own in our reflection. "Who did you say you were going out with again?" She asked, taking a seat at my makeup table which was actually used for clothes and books. The only makeup I owned was mascara, some eyeliner and chapstick because I hated coloring my lips. 

"I didn't say. But, I'm going out with Harry," I blushed slightly while finished with the last part of my brunette masterpiece. My mother's eyebrows raised in slight shock. 

"Styles?" She asked, confirming the boy I was talking about with his last name. I nodded slowly and a smile was present on her lips. "I didn't know he was back from University. He was always such a sweet boy," She smiled at me while I leaned against my dresser to get closer to my mirror. I applied a small amount of mascara to my eyelashes before standing up straight. 

"He was always too cocky for my taste, but maybe he's changed," I turned to look at my birth giver, she was happy in a pair of white jeans and a floral top with her famous brown wedges. On the contrary, I wore a black tight dress with a blue and black flannel accompanied by black combat boots. 

"Is he still as handsome as he was when he lived here?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I scoffed at her remark. Harry was alway beautiful, with dark brown curls pushed back, his green eyes, and those beautiful lips of his. There was nothing to dislike about him, except for the fact that he knew he was beautiful. 

"He should be here any minute," I said glancing at the clock that was hanging on my white wall, it ready 7:03 and as if on cue, the doorbell rang loud and clear. My mom clapped her hands together quickly while I walked towards the jar with my money in it. I pulled out a $20 bill only for my mom to slap my hand away from the glass with my savings.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked, shoving the money back into its temporary home. I laughed, looking at her with confused eyes. 

"I'm grabbing money to pay," I said, reaching for the cash once again.

"I thought you said this was a date," She crossed her arms over her chest which had been done professionally. 

"I think it is, but I'm not going to make him pay for it," I defended but she just grabbed my arm and pushed me towards the exit of my room. 

"It's a date, which means he's paying. I will not have you settle for less," She handed me my purse, which, thankfully, was occupied by an emergency $20. Grunting, I checked my reflection quickly and I closed my eyes when I passed her room. No matter how long it's been and no matter how many times I pass the door that was decorated with her name, it still hurt to pass the vacant room. 

"Just, promise me you'll have fun," My mom stood beside me and pulled my hair onto my shoulders, making sure to tuck a few strands behind my ear. Biting the inside my lip, I smiled slightly. Without answering, I pulled on the knob that left a tall young man waiting on the other side. His hand was behind his neck while his eyes were attached to the floor. 

His head snapped up once the white wood didn't stand between us anymore and his eyebrows raised once he saw who was alongside me. Clearing his throat, he reached out to take my mom's hand in his with great ease. His eyes which were previously on my outfit, traveled to mine while a smile tugged at his lips. 

"Ms. Ross! How good to see you," His eyes glanced over what she was wearing and a slight frown formed on his features when he realized she was dressed up as well. "I didn't realize you were accompanying us tonight," Harry said as he gnawed on his lip. Without responding, my mom and I both began to laugh.

"Don't be silly, Harry. I've got plans of my own this evening. I wouldn't want disrupt you two lovebirds anyways," She pulled her hand from his and finished her sentence with a quick wink. It wasn't until those words left her mouth that I began to break a sweat. 

Seriously mom? That was completely uncalled for. 

When neither one of us responded, she clapped her hands and ushered me out of the door after whispering a quick goodbye. Looking into his eyes was a bit difficult due to his height and he watched me with an entertained expression. 

"Shall we?" He laughed, leading me to the driveway where his vehicle sat in its one beauty.  His black Suzuki Inazuma (really fast motorcycle) rested on its peg against the gravel and my breath left my throat. My fingers ran over the leather seat in awe before I wiped my head in his direction. 

"You kept it?" I asked astonished, checking out the modifications on the speedy beast. Although he had an amazing car, he remained with the one thing that stayed with him all through high school.

"Are you kidding me? I saved up for her and fixed her up all the time. Never would I ever give up on her," He laughed, reaching for one of the helmets that rested on the handlebars. While he handed me a blacked out one, I remembered back to when he would be out on his driveway slaving away at different parts to fix up his means of transportation.

"And for some reason, I suspected you wouldn't care getting your hair a bit messy," He laughed, taking his seat first and scooting up for me to fit. He slipped his helmet over his curls and I did the same. 

"I would do anything to ride this thing. Even more just to drive it," I said, clipping the strap underneath my chin. Taking my seat behind me, my dress rode up to my hips. My legs hugged his tightly, causing my hair to stand on end. 

"Maybe one day," He chuckled, kicking up the peg. "And what was with the 'lovebirds' thing?" He backed up with his legs on the pavement and my stomach dropped when I thought back to what my mom said. 

"Don't worry about it, she was just playing around," I covered and he nodded his head in assurance. 

"Good, I didn't want you to think this was a dress or anything," He laughed and my throat closed up. I faked a laugh as my hands gripped the bar behind me and underneath my bum. I was stupid to think Harry would want to go on a date with me. I pushed the vision shield over my eyes, not wanting anybody to see me frowning. 

He revved the engine, bringing the machine to life with a few flicks of his wrist. I waited for him to take off and weave in between cars like he usually did, instead he put his foot on the ground and reached back for one of my arms. He took my hand, wrapping one around his torso and I did the same with my other. Once I was secure, he took of at a flashing speed, causing me to wrap my arms tighter around his stomach. And with every inch I got closer to his body, I could feel the tensing of his muscles beneath my fingertips.


Sorry it's short! Hope you liked it! I love all your sexy faces! Make sure to go check out some of my other fanfics :)




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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