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Blair POV.

I watch him take two steps and then turn back towards me.

"Anything else?" I ask coldly.

"Don't play those messy games in the club anymore. If the media catches wind of it, it'll be embarrassing for the family."

Ha. He's always talking about the family.

People born into wealth always seem to think they're superior and can dictate and destroy others' fates at will.

My anger makes my appetite rise, and after finishing one plate of food, I go back for another. As I begin to burp, I suddenly come up with a brilliant idea.

George only said I should meet this guy named Antonio, but the result of the meeting still depends on the man's willingness, right?

I rush back to the hotel room and pull Barbara, who is still sleeping, out of bed.

"Wake up, Barbara, come shopping with me!"

The next afternoon, I leave the old mansion wearing a trench coat and head to a café in the city center to meet Antonio. The café is on the top floor. I step into the elevator and start unbuttoning my coat, revealing the backless camisole and ultra-short skirt underneath.

But that's not enough. I open my bag, take out a pink afro wig, and put it on my head.

These are all the spoils I bought yesterday while shopping with Barbara. I adjust the wig in front of the mirror in the elevator, feeling a gaze lingering on me.

In the elevator besides me, there's a young man. He entered first, and I saw him outside the elevator door, originally intending to wait for the next one. But then I realized I was about to be late, so I squeezed in just before the doors closed.

Now he's staring at me, making me a bit nervous.

He looks like a bit of a thug: dreadlocks, lip and eyebrow piercings, a dragon tattoo on his left arm, a tiger on his right. His legs are also covered in various tattoos.

When the elevator stops on the top floor, the doors open, and I dart out without looking back.

I scan the café, then take out my phone and text Antonio, "I'm here. And you?"


The sound of the text alert suddenly comes from behind me.

I turn around, staring at his phone.

He waves his phone and then looks into my eyes, "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Blair."

He's Antonio???

I swallow, dumbfounded.


"Miss, what would you like to drink?" The waiter looks at me.

"A glass of iced Americano," I whisper.

The atmosphere in the café is quite elegant, with most of the customers being workplace elites from the nearby CBD, dressed in simple black, white, and gray. There are only the two of us, one with a pink afro wig, and the other covered in tattoos, attracting attention from all directions.

I lower my head, trying to bury my face in the iced Americano the waiter brought.

Antonio sits across from me, silent for a moment, then suddenly chuckles.

"When did you recognize me?" I cough and get to the point.

"From the moment you stepped into the elevator."


"Your WhatsApp profile picture is a selfie of you."

"Oh." I realize how foolish I am after asking.

My Brother, The Devil ✔Where stories live. Discover now