New Guardian

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Midnight in the Castle of Sowei City.

The only one awake is Frederick Gaspar, the king of Austria. But for the night, he could embrace his real identity; Blaze of the Above.

He is wandering around the basement if the castle, when he comes across a ginormous machine, with a bright yellow glow emitting from it's center.

"My time is up." He says to himself. "But I am not done with my conquest yet."

He then walks up to the control panel of the machine, and pulls out a key from a socket in the center, ties it to a strong and wears it around his neck.

As he does that, the light of the machine begins to flicker and slowly die out, leaving the room in darkness.

"Nobody can stop me now."

That machine was actually a portal and on the other end lies another land, another realm, called The Above. It's denizens are humans in form, but are really another species called Starborne, who possess incredible abilities and age 50 times slower than the average human.

Today is a special day for the Starborne, as a new champion will be sent to the neighbouring Realm of Terra, and the old one, Blaze, will return after 500 years.

Throughout the last couple of months, many Starborne warriors have been training for this moment, and only three have been deemed strong enough by Nova, the Immortal God of Magic and strongest of all Starborne, to be potential candidates for the role of the 4th Guardian of Terra.

It is now time for Nova to meet the warriors and make his final decision. The God of Magic was sitting on his throne, towering above everyone present in his auditorium. He had a long white beard, and his right eye was covered by a black leather eye patch. He was accompanied by an older looking man, who had gray, balding hair and wrinkles all over his face, and was balancing on a wooden cane, which he had carved himself.

"Bring the contenders forth." The old man said, and the three men walked into the auditorium.

The first was a man with black hair, milky white eyes and what seemed like a halo floating above his head. He was wearing a white suit and bright yellow cape flew behind him as he floated in the room.

"Nova, Master Lambda." He said as he bowed.

The second man was lankier than the first. He had black hair, slicked back, black eyes and a goatee. He was wearing a black, sleeveless shirt, jeans and a cloak that he immediately took off and tossed away when he entered, showing the knife strapped to his waist. He also bowed in front of Nova and Master Lambda, but did not say anything.

The third man looked confident, and walked inside grinning and puffing his chest. He was wearing a bright yellow vest, baggy pants, tied with a cloth belt and finishing it off with a hood that hid his hair, except a strand of black hair that went over his right eye. He was also wearing a sword on his back.

"Yo." He said, and waved at the masters, then turned to his fellow candidates. "Yo posers should just pack your stuff and go home, cuz you'd be wasting your time, yo."

The lanky man rolled his eyes at this, and the caped man simply frowned. Then Nova spoke again.

"Geowar. Hyperriox...Inferno. The three of you are the last possible contenders for the role of the 4th Guardian of Terra. And you will have to face one trial before it is decided."

"Which is?" Asked Hyperriox.

"Combat!" Announced Nova, as he constructed a short fence around tge combatants. "Last person in the circle wins! Now fight!"

Tales of Soweiland: Sowei RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now