《Ashi》 JadeJupitar2023

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Client: JadeJupitar2023
Rater: Ashidrafts

Username: JadeJupitar2023
Score: 8/10
The username is interesting and somewhat unique, matching the theme of the account to some extent.

Display name: Kaori Kurenai
Score: 7/10
While the name "Kaori Kurenai" is unique, it could be more attractive with specific fonts that align better with the aesthetic black theme of the account.

Profile Picture/Dp/Pfp:
Score: 7/10
The profile picture is described as cute and dark, matching the aesthetic black theme of the account. However, there's potential for improvement to represent it more compellingly.

Background theme:
Score: 9/10
The background theme is fascinating and the most liked aspect of the account, scoring high marks for matching the aesthetic black theme.

Score: 6/10
The bio is described as somewhat dry and could be improved with emojis and more readable fonts. Currently, the fonts used are confusing for others.

Adding emojis and using clearer, more readable fonts can enhance the bio and make it more engaging for visitors.

Book covers:
Score: 6/10
The book covers are good but don't match the aesthetic black theme of the account, being colourful instead.
Aligning the book covers with the overall theme of the account by using darker or more muted colours can improve consistency.

Reading Lists:
Score: 8/10
The reading lists are managed nicely but could benefit from using specific fonts for list names and emojis to enhance their appearance.
Using consistent, themed fonts and adding relevant emojis can make the reading lists more visually appealing and cohesive.

Score: 9/10
The vibes of the account are described as dark, which aligns well with the aesthetic black theme.

Announcement Board:
Score: 7/10
The announcement board is full of shoutouts, but it could be utilized for something more related to the books.
Repurposing the announcement board for book updates, recommendations, or sneak peeks can provide more value to followers and better align with the account's theme.

Overall aesthetic:
Score: 7/10
The overall aesthetic is good and fascinating, with the background theme being particularly standout. However, areas like the bio, book covers, and announcement board could be improved to better match the aesthetic black theme and enhance consistency.

Total: 74/100

Feedback and Suggestions:
While the account has several strong points, some areas could be improved to enhance its overall aesthetic and consistency.
Consider using clearer, more readable fonts and adding emojis to the bio to make it more engaging. Additionally, align the book covers with the aesthetic black theme by using darker or more muted colours.
Utilize the announcement board for book-related updates or sneak peeks to provide more value to followers and better align with the account's theme.
Overall, maintaining consistency throughout the account, particularly about fonts, colours, and themes, will help create a more cohesive and visually appealing experience for visitors.

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