Once You Started

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"Seperti yang saya inginkan terima kasih tuhan".

I don't know what to say I started to feel in love with you. But unfortunately we're not suitable together. On that day I know that we're just a friend's.

(Dreaming) "Jo? Jo?....Jonathan?

Than he wake up and don't know who was in his dreams. At school I was walk passed by his class and he saw me. And I didn't see and but busy with my paperwork.

"Jo? Kau kenapa?
"Oh tiada, tiada apa"
"Ehh kau tengok siapa tu?"
"Tiada lah"

As I was in my class alone I was doing my homework and studying. That time he saw me doing my work but I wasn't noticed at all.

"Kenapa perasaan saya lain ah?"

As I facing back I saw him and he saw me, as he noticed me seeing him at the back of the door he walked fastly and I stood up and chasing him and he already entered his class. And I was like...

(In my heart) "Kenapa dengan dia tu?" As I was questioning myself.

After school I decided to not walked with my friends.

"Wen,Mad aku ikut cikgu balik kamu balik lah dulu"
"Kau ikut siapa?" (Wen)
"Eh kau ikut PK1 balik ini kan?!" (Mad)
"Iya mad sama sir Carol inda bah"
"Eh Jangan juga arr" (Mad)
"Inda lah bah okay bye"

As my friends went home I started to wait for him to get out from his class.

"Ui Jo kau pergi mana?"
"Kamu balik lah dulu aku ada urusan"
"Ada girlfriend tidak cakap!"
"Ui mana ada ahh"

As I was waiting in the back of the door Knowing him will came towards here. As my can felt his appearance. And suddenly we both face to each other's we both studded and I was felt into his eyes but mad. And walked out from the door as he hold my hand to stop me.

"Mel kejap"

As I was felt so disturbing.

"Kalau iya pun jangan pegang tangan saya belum habis spm lagi kita ini"
"Oh sorry aku mahu minta maaf" (Jo)
"Mmm kenapa kau tengok aku tadi ada masalah?"
"Tiada aku tiada niat langsung" (Jo)
"Okay lain kali jangan buat macam tu saya tidak selesa"
"Aku tidak marah aku biasa ja kalau hal ini melebih aku tahu aku buat tindakan"
"Iya tahu" (Jo)
"Kau okay kah?"
"Okay" (Jo)
"Bah kalau bergitu aku balik dulu bye"
"Bh bye"

As I walked away from him and he was standing like he wasn't doing anything.

"Apa kau buat ini Jo!!!"
"Tapi aku mahu tahu siapa dalam mimpi aku semalam"

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