Forgiveness and French Fries

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Six Weeks Later...

Artemis grunted as she was hit by Superboy, albeit lightly, as he landed hard on the ground next to her.

She was too distracted to spar.

At school, she had planned to trap Percy somewhere and fully explain and apologize, but by Thursday, she hadn't seen him all week.

So she started to worry. She asked the principal if Percy Jackson had been to school at all this week, and he told her that he hadn't.

So she'd been distracted since then.

She suddenly flew across the platform. She took her time getting up, hearing Conner jump in the air to end the fight. He wasn't going to actually hurt her, of course, but it sure felt real. Before he could destroy her, the voice of Black Canary called out.

"Okay that's enough, everyone! Training over!" She yelled.

"Yes ma'am." Robin said after Black Canary told him what he should work on. Artemis was last.

"Artemis, you were very sloppy today. I expect better from you, being trained by the Shadows." She said, crossing her arms as she frowned at her niece. She expected her to mouth off or give a sarcastic retort, but instead, the young girl just nodded and fiddled with her bow. Canary sighed.

"Okay, you're all free for the rest of the day, unless something comes up." They all dispersed.

   Artemis quietly made her way to her room. As she entered, sitting on her bed absentlymindedly, staring at the carpet in thought, she heard a knock at the door. She shook her head and opened it to reveal her aunt.

"Artemis." She said evenly.

"Yes ma'am?" The mini me of Canary asked.

"May I come in?" She asked gently. Artemis nodded hesitantly, opening it more for her to walk in. When Dinah heard the door shut, she sighed and turned around.

"Artemis, I know something's wro—" she was cut off as Artemis slammed into Dinah, wrapping her arms around the taller blonde's torso.

   The older woman hesitated for only a moment before wrapping her arms protectively around her niece's shoulders. She embraced her, tucking the girl's head under her chin. She rubbed her hair in a motherly manner. As they sat there, Dinah decided to wait on Artemis to pull away. She obviously needed comfort, and that's why Dinah was here.

   After a few minutes of Artemis crying into Dinah's chest, the younger girl pulled away, but only slightly.

"I'm-I'm sorry." She sniffled. Dinah put her hands on the sides of Artemis' face.

"Oh honey, you have nothing to be sorry for. You just seemed like something was bothering you."

"But I do. I do have to be sorry. I'm a horrible person." She cried, breaking down, falling to her knees as she sobbed. Dinah's eyes widened.

'Woah. This is way more serious than I thought.'

She didn't know whether to be Councilor Lance or Aunt Dinah. She decided to walk the fence line for the moment. She knelt down next to the fifteen year old.

"Well I can't help if I don't understand." She said softly, rubbing the girl's back gently.

She shook her head, still covering her face.
"No, no. I can't. You'll be mad at me too."

Dinah frowned.
"Who's mad at you, baby?"

   Artemis finally looked up and met her worried gaze. She shakily inhaled, tucking her hair behind her ears.

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