chapter 3

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Chapter 3

How? How do u fix this?


Shawn's Pov

(Time skip back to the meet and greet)

I was waiting for the line to get to me. I looked over at Cam and Aaron's booth and saw an extremely beautiful girl smiling and talking to him

'Mate' Arctic growls I look back over to them and saw her jump on Cam's  back. I felt my eyes start turning black. I walked over and grabbed her small waist before ripping her off Cam.

She looked up, fear engulfing her as she looked at my eyes. She back away in fear Arctic started flattening his ears and let out a quiet whine.

I turned back to Cam I felt my pack glaring daggers at me, but at the moment did I care? No.

I was about to lung at Cam when my mate got inbetween us.

"Move now." I growled lowly. She shook her head.

"Kaylyn move! Thats not shawn!" Cam said before roughly shoving her out of the way. I watched her out of the corner of my eye, as she got up and started running off.

We started chasing after her but she was already gone by the time we were out of the building. Girls behind us started calling her name.

"What have I done?!" I cried out falling to my knee's. I felt daggers being glared into my back. I heard a choked cry, I turned to see it came from the girl in Taylor's arms.

Taylor glare holes into me as the silently cried.

"U-Um where would she- oh I got it! The beach!" A girl with strawberry blonde hair said.

"The beach is only a couple minutes away." I said they nodded and we started running. We reached there within a minute give or take a couple seconds.

"Ok now where is she?" I asked a little frantically. They shrugged as we scanned over the beach. Finally finding her I ran over to her and tackled her into the water i flipped her so she was facing me I pinned her arms above her head.

She looked at me and started shaking in fear.

"Plz just leave me, alone," she whispered my heart broke into a billions and billions of pieces tears filled my eyes. I slowly started retracting my hands, before getting off her and walking towards the guys.

They looked at me sympathetically. I fell to my knees and let the tears fall. I felt hot hands place themselves on my back, but they  were quickly removed.

"I messed up, guys!" I cried out.

Nashes' Pov

I bit my lip. I didn't know how he was feeling, I haven't even found her yet.

"Wanna play volley ball." I asked awkwardly. I heard the boys choke on their laughter. I turned and glared at them. Taylor gave me the 'are you serious?' Look I shrugged

"Can I play?" Taylor's mate Sara, I believe her name is, asked. Taylor nodded smiling lovingly at her shawn stared at Taylor in jealously.

"Um I-I think I'm g-gonna go on a run." Shawn stuttered.

"Do you-"

"I- u-um, no I wanna go by myself." Shawn said. I nodded and watched as he ran off towards the woods near the ocean.

"Lets play shall we?" I asked they all hesitatedly nodded.

Shawn's Pov

Arriving at a rock next to a creek. I laid on it. I put my large head on my front paw's. I heard a twig snap and my mates sent fill the air around me.

I felt her hand rub up down the top of my head Arctic purred. I felt my eyes water.

I shifted back to my normal form, Before picking up my mates sleeping figure. I started running towards the hotel.

30 minutes later.

I placed my still sleeping mate on my bed I stepped into the shower. Quickly washing myself. I dried my hair. I wrapped a towel around my waist, before exiting the bathroom.

I herd a female gasp and turned to see my mate watching me in terror. I smiled at her and slipped on a pair of boxers and basketball shorts  before letting my towel drop.

"H-How did I get in here?" She asked.

"About that we need to talk." I said she nodded

"Ok so you know how you were the woods with a large wolf?" I asked she nodded slowly.

"Well I am that wolf." I said she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Prove it." She said i nodded and shifted to my wolf. She shrieked and fell off the bed. I shifted back and lifted her back on the bed.

"Stay the hell away from me! You animal!" She screamed, security burst threw the door and checked the scene before nodding at me and leaving.

These nashties had the nerve the audacity to think I would force my mate into something as serious as that, mmm someone would have to severely retarded to mess with my mate. I relised my eyes were going darker by the second. I closed my eyes and calmed Arctic.

"Can I go now?" She asked shakily.

"Do u have to?" I ask.

"Yes," she says before walking towards the door.

"I'll see you at tomorrows show," I said before she had closed the door. I groaned in defeat. Arctic became angry and I felt my eyes turning to Arctic's jungle green, before punching a hole in the wall.

"Goddammit!" I yelled. The guys rushed into the room.

"Look theres this party tonight-"

"A party, A F*CKING PARTY ISNT GOING TO GET ME MY MATE!" I growled/yelled at Taylor.

"Let me finish." Taylor growled I glared at but stayed silent.

"Theres a party tonight and I can talk to Sara about getting Kaylyn to go with us." Taylor said at hearing this Arctic calmed down enough for me to take control back. I looked around the room noticed Nash wasn't in the room.

"Wheres Nash?" I asked the boys smirked at me before saying the beach.

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