Chapter 5

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Hyunjin closed the door behind him and was just about to go back to the base when Yuna came running towards him.

"Can you come with me? I could use your help," she shouted to him while passing and without hesitation Hyunjin ran after her.

Even before he could see what was going on, he already heard the screams of several patients.

When he turned around the corner behind Yuna, he almost ran against her because she had stopped abruptly.

In the adjacent hallway, two patients stood opposite each other, while another sat on the floor and held his ears.


"OH, FUCK YOU HONESTLY! YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF MY LIFE AND JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU FEEL BETTER AFTER IT YOU WANT TO ACT LIKE A HERO," screamed the bigger of the two, slapped the guy opposite him in the face and tried to pull the younger one who was sitting on the floor with him.

"Oh no! YOU WILL NOT TAKE HIM WITH YOU!" the smaller one shouted and just wanted to jump back on his opponent when Yuna gave Hyunjin a signal and they both injected the quarrels sedatives at the same time.

They both collapsed almost instantly and Hyunjin and Yuna took a deep breath.

The boy who was sitting on the floor stared at them in shock. He trembled all over his body and tears ran down his face.

"Everything's fine Jeongin...," Hyunjin murmured and stretched out his hands to help the younger up.

He grabbed the elder's with trembling hands and then clung to him sobbing.

"Hyunjin, can you bring Jeongin to his room? I have to take care of the two quarrels..," said Yuna and sounded incredibly tired and frustrated.

"Is that okay with you?" Hyunjin asked the younger one who was still hanging on him.

"Y-yes...," he sobbed and only pressed himself even closer against him.

"Well, then come on. It's all right," Hyunjin said gently and slowly went off with him.

Jeongin took a deep breath and then loosened his grip so that they didn't have to walk so strangely intertwined across the hallway, but he couldn't stop sobbing.

Hyunjin didn't know exactly how he could help him, but when they passed the base he stopped thoughtfully.

"Do you like brownies?" he finally asked.

Confused, the younger one looked at him, but almost abruptly stopped sobbing and finally nodded hesitantly.

"My best friend Felix baked some and gave them to me for work. Would you like to have one?" Hyunjin asked with a smile.

"Home-baked?" Jeongin asked quietly and his eyes began to shine.

"Sure. I wouldn't eat others at all," Hyunjin said quietly chuckling and took the box Felix had given him out of his bag. "Here, take some."

Jeongin hesitated briefly, but the scent of the brownies finally convinced him and shyly smiling he finally took two pieces. "Thank you," he muttered.

"Come on, let's take you to your room,"

Jeongin nodded and after talking for a moment, Hyunjin finally returned to the base, in his hand a coffee that he had just gotten in the kitchen.

Yuna sat exhausted at the desk and typed her report.

"Shall I get you a coffee too?"

Yawning, Yuna shook her head and turned to Hyunjin. "No. But you could get me a bottle of water."

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