Cornelius Fudge

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Elle threw open the courtroom door, made eye contact with the judge and immediately shut it again.

"Ok. I kinda forgot Fudge was judging you, and I don't want to have to look at him for more than absolutely necessary.

Hi, I'm Elle Woods, certified defence lawyer. Since Dumbledore isn't here and you are legally entitled to a representative, I'm going to help you, free of charge. 

Because I'm just great like that. 

Sound good?"

The boy gaped and spluttered,


"Free of charge. Do not test me."

"O-ok. T-thank you, Mrs Woods."

"That's more like it. Now, I need you to summarise your case to me quickly. Tell me the story."

"Well... uh... I was walking with my cousin, Dudley. He's uh, like a bit of a dick. Just as a warning."

"Fair enough, but watch your language."

"Uh, ok... we were walking back from a park place or whatever, and I feel, like, really cold, y'know? That feeling you get right before a dementor attack, where it's like the life has been sucked out of the whole world?

Like, happiness has fallen into Azkaban, bravery is choking on the floor, and fun is sitting in a dark room, staring at a wall?"

Uh oh. The trauma is showing.

"I mean, not really, but if that's how you think about it, go ahead."

He frowned slightly and looked to the side,

"Well, uh... the dementors came. Obviously. And, uh, they grabbed my cousin. I don't, like, like Dudley, but I'm not just gonna let him get his soul sucked out, right?"

"Well, yeah. You'd hope so."

"So I cast a Patronus, sent it at the dementor, saved Dudley, blah blah. Now I'm being prosecuted for using magic, even though I saved his bloody life!"

"Ok, ok. Do they have any proof you aren't telling the truth? Maybe a witness who can dispute it?"

"Well, Dudley was the only other person there, and he's definitely not here, so, uh, no, I guess?"

Elle scowled.

"So what base are they prosecuting you on? Dementors have been acting up recently, Sirius Black escaped Azkaban only two years ago, the Dark Lord is on the rise, it's perfectly reasonable that they could be there."

"I used magic in front of a Muggle?"

"But that's fine if the Muggle is in immediate danger. Obliviate charms exist for a reason. They..."

they can't, that's not how the fucking law works. Cornelius Fudge is just being a fascist fucking dictator and oh my god I now understand why Dumbledore was assigned to your case.

"You can't legally be convicted here. They have no evidence."

"Ok, so can we just go in and get this over with?"


"Less attitude, more acting innocent."

Elle pushed the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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