5. Ext. Castle Garden - Before Noon

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Camera fades back in just as slowly as it faded out before, opening on a wide shot of the gardens where the girls can be seen walking.

After the uncomfortable talk with her father and now wearing her former attire, having returned her dress to the tailor, River and Stace walk about the gardens at the back of the castle in the courtyard area.

Stace pipes up after a bit of silence.

What are you thinking about?

River looks at her and shrugs her shoulders.

Just... Stuff. What my father told me I have to do.

The two walk between the flowerbeds as River speaks, looking at the one to her left.

I don't know if I'm qualified to say anything, since I'm not royalty, but... It seems like a bit of a rush.

It is. I know he's not in the best health and it's declining, but he really wants me married and to have a child that bad? Doesn't he get that I could do both of those things after he's gone?

Well, maybe he wants peace of mind? To know it's already happened?


She looks over at Stace.

Take me back to my room, please.

As you wish, River.

Thank you. I need time to... Think.

With a somber expression, River brushes her hand through her hair.

The camera pans away slowly from the left side of River's face before cutting.

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