Author's Note

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So now you know the big secret in Shawn's past...what do you think? Was it what you expected? Some of you had some pretty good guesses as to what it was; they were fun to read.

Thank you guys so much for your endless support of Aftertaste. I hit 50k reads today, and that feels absolutely amazing. I definitely did not expect tens of thousands of people to be reading and enjoying my writing. I can't express how much it means to me, thank you :)

AND ALSO PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL THE BOOK FOR ANYONE ELSE!!!!!!!! I can't control what do you do off of Wattpad, but do not comment any spoilers at earlier parts in the book. I will delete the comments. Thank you.

I will also not be updating this Sunday because I'll be on vacation (which is the reason you're getting this update so early).

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,


(inspirashawn on Twitter)

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