Side Story 5: Amasawa Ichika Side Story

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: Speech
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OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Inspired by Comment On Suggestions Page from @KrissMaverick7.

Ichika was walking through the school when she found a bunch of First Year girls sitting together. They all were staring at a photo of Kiyotaka.

First-Year Girl: President Ayanokoji is so handsome!

First-Year Girl: Yeah I know right?

Ichika walks up to them.

Ichika: He is, isn't he?

First-Year Girl: Amasawa-San? We were just...

They were really embarrassed.

Ichika: No need to be embarrassed. After all, I am his biggest and best fan.

First-Year Girl: You? What makes you the best?

Ichika: Because I attended the same middle school as him and he's my personal chef.

First-Year Girls: What!!??

Ichika: He he.

First-Year Girls: So lucky. Hey, we should all form a group. The President Ayanokoji Fan Club.

First-Year Girl: Join us President Amasawa!

Ichika: You're making me the President of the club huh? It seems you understand then. Heh.

The group then begins following Kiyotaka as they observe him closely.

Ichika: Heh. Watch this.

Ichika walks out to Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka: How long are you and your friends planning on following me around Amasawa?

Ichika: That's mean President. We were only basking in your excellence.

Kiyotaka shivers at this.

Kiyotaka- Strange. I'm pretty much used to being watched but when they do it I feel very uncomfortable.

Ichika: Also. Thank you for back then in the Student Council Room.

Kiyotaka: You're my Kohai. It's only natural that I protect you.

Ichika blushes and then smirks.

Ichika: Heh heh. President is quite the smooth talker huh?

Kiyotaka: I have no idea what you mean. I'm going to meet with someone so I'll see you later Amasawa.

Kiyotaka leaves.

First-Year Girl: Woah you two seem really close.

Ichika: Heh heh.

First-Year Girl: as expected of the President of our club.

Ichika: Come on girls! Let's follow him.

Girls: Yeah!

The girls follow Kiyotaka as he meets up with Suzune.

First-Year Girl: Ugh. The Girlfriend.

Ichika: Yeah Horikita-Senpai is pretty amazing.

First-Year Girl: She got 4th place on the Uninhabited Island Exam right?

Ichika: That's right. In a duo with Ibuki-Senpai.

First-Year Girl: Woah that's amazing. No wonder the President is with her. They're in a different league compared to us.

First-Year Girl: But Amasawa-San you beat her at Mixed Training Camp didn't you?

Ichika: That's right. Heh heh.


Kiyotaka And Suzune POV

Kiyotaka And Suzune- They do realize we can hear them right?

Kiyotaka: Just ignore them.

The 2 spend quality time together doing their best to ignore The Fan Club. They were about to kiss when they stopped knowing that they were being watched.

Suzune: Let's just have a date at another time. Ugh.

Kiyotaka stands up and walks over to the group. He takes out a paper and signs his name.

Kiyotaka: If you want it then leave us alone.

 The girls take the paper and run off all except Ichika.

Ichika: Hey President.

Kiyotaka: What are you even doing?

Ichika: Hey we're all just like-mindedly worshiping you.

Kiyotaka feels an intense aversion to that.

Kiyotaka: Please stop.

Ichika rubs the back of her hair she runs off.

Kiyotaka- Really now. How troublesome.

Kiyotaka meet back up with Suzune.

Kiyotaka: They're gone. 

Suzune: Thank you.


Ichika POV

First-Year Girl: I have his signature!

First-Year Girl: Huh? He gave it to me first!

Ichika: That's enough. We're his  Fan Club. We can't be fighting amongst ourselves.

First-Year Girl: Um how long have you known President Amasawa-San?

Ichika: I only met him officially here at this school. But I heard about him in our old school. He was looked up to by the entire school.

First-Year Girl: As expected of the President.

Ichika: He achieved things that people found inhuman so students started to look at him like some unreachable god.

First-Year Girl: God?

Ichika: I just happened to be one of them. He he.

First-Year Girl: We should start a religion!

Ichika: Yeah...

Ichika imagines Kiyotaka scolding her.

Ichika: Actually we'd better not.

First-Year Girl: Come to think of it we haven't even introduced ourselves.

The group consisted of about 5 girls excluding Ichika.

Ichika: Amasawa Ichika. Class 1A.

First-Year Girl: Midori Yukimura. Class 1D.

Ichika: Yukimura? Are you by chance related to Yukimura-Senpai?

Midori: Yeah. He's my older brother. He's so lucky to be in the same class as President! I asked him to introduce me but he always refused calling me a weirdo.

Midori pouts.

First-Year Girl: Sakajura Akira. Class 1B.

First Year Girl: Harumi Koharu. Class 1D

First Year Girl: Shigeru Sara. Class 1C.

First Year Girl: Kimura Hanabi. Class 1C.

Ichika: With this, the club is officially founded.

It had seemed Ichika had found some friends despite her initial inability to do so. However, the healthiness of their reason for being friends was questionable at best.


End Of Side Story 5


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