Chapter 3

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- Should I count that as a successful plan?

- I mean, the plan was to not sleep with him on the first date and you did it.

- Does it even matter in the end? I feel like that did not change anything for him and he would have the same image of me regardless.

- It may look like that now... But I'm sure he's gonna be crazy for you in the end!

- What end, Alex?

- You'll see...

- Fuck sake, Alex, are you one of those humans who can see the future and didn't tell me?

- You wish- Ouch!

I heard the sound of a thud through the phone, like hitting a hard wall.

- You okay man? - I paused my cooking, getting closer to the phone to better hear Alex. -

- Yeah yeah... I'm fine, don't worry, just got distracted listening to you.

- Hypnotizing aren't I?

- Puff- Sure, just like a demon. Speaking of that, what's your plan for your second date?

- A motel.

- What?!

- Just kidding, hehe. I don't know, I feel it's fair for me to be the one to choose this time, but where to go? A dinner date would probably be silly.

- Not all ink demons renounce eating after the transformation.

- Yes, but he did, I asked him when I got home.

- Oh... Then... What about... Urg, you said you don't like movie dates... Beach! What about the beach?!

- Isn't it a little early for something like that?

- Well Kō, you said you wanted to get inside that incubus's mind! So, you'll have to get creative, as much as I wish, the weekend doesn't last forever and then you will have to wait the whole week to see him again. If you don't have a good talk on the phone he might as well forget you.

- I was thinking about that actually, after today, I think I should strike more conversations with him on the phone.

I notification popped while I plated my dinner.

- Speaking of him, Ribon just sent me a message.

- Is it a photo?

- How did you know?

- Shit, I was just gonna do a sex joke, but forget it.

I heard a door open and close.

- Oof, finally at home. Kō, how early do you think I will die if I eat ramen for dinner again today?

- I give you just a few years left, sadly.

- Ouch, guess I should retire early.

I opened the message, it's a selfie of him laying on the bed, hair curly again, wearing a black top that said in white letters "Talk is cheap, throw me in bed", a caption saying: I never send photos to people with my curly hair, but I have a feeling you liked it.

Ok, normally I can see through his seduction act very easily, but would he really use the "You're the only one who I showed this" thing as a ploy?

I mean, after I got home I remembered he mentioned the social media thing, so I asked him for a link for his instagram, it was a fact that his hair was straight in all of the photos, even the ones at the beach, I'm inclined to believe that he really cares about it.

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