Chapter 1

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Hot and sticky, sweaty and magnificently rough - Grimmjow couldn't get Saturday night out of his head.

It had been the best night of his life - okay, second best. The day Nelliel was born was the first - and he was still pissed at himself for not even getting the guy's name.

The blue-haired man shook his head to try and clear it of the amazing memories of only two nights before. He had a job to do, and it did not involve fantasizing over a fantastic one-night stand.

Grimmjow sighed as he pulled into the parking lot, grinning at the thought of seeing everyone again, even if it had only been a six day vacation for him, including the weekend days.

It seemed as if they all missed him, too, considering the children nearly plowed him down when he stepped through the doors. The stream of them seemed endless and Grimmjow was grinning ear to ear as he let himself be pulled down and attacked with tiny bodies hugging the breath out of him and screeches of happiness filling his ears.

Yes, that was what bliss was - children surrounding him as he took care of them like they were his own.

Eventually, Grimmjow's co-worker, Orihime, saved him by telling the children it was time for morning snack. As the kids filed excitedly into the cafeteria, Grimmjow spotted a little, red-headed girl in the corner, clearly waiting for his attention. He smiled as he picked little Masaki Hanakari up to set her on his hip.

"Masaki, dear, aren't you supposed to be in the other sector? You're not a big kid yet." Grimmjow told her softly, easily bouncing her on his hip a bit as he made his way back to the pre-school rooms.

"I knows, but Ori'me telled me Gimmy's hewe." the young girl replied, grinning up at him with a toothy smile. Grimmjow laughed and reluctantly passed her back to her caretaker and mother.

He watched for another few minutes as she wandered back over to her older cousin, Occam Hitsugaya, and curled up next to him as he slept in a bundle of blankets, more than likely provided by both his Aunt and mother.

"Good morning, Yuzu." Grimmjow greeted kindly.

"And good morning to you, Grimmjow. Thank you for bringing her back, and I'm sorry if she caused any trouble." the younger woman smiled at him apologetically.

"You know she didn't. She's a great girl, especially with the mom and aunt she's got." Grimmjow grinned when Yuzu smiled at him gently.

"You're too kind sometimes, Grimmjow." She paused in thought for a moment before her face lit up excitedly.

"Orihime was finally able to get with the police department about sending over an officer to talk with the children. They're going to send over my brother tomorrow, and I believe he's bringing his best friend with him as an added bonus because poor Renji had been looking for something to do forever. He's a firefighter, and I think the kids will love the both of them-"

"Yuz, you're rambling again. I'll talk to 'Hime. Thanks again." Grimmjow waved to Masaki once more before bidding a goodbye to Yuzu and walking back down the hall.

"Grimmjow!" she called after him, leaning over the half door, "Is your leg doing better?"

"Yep! Doesn't ache anymore; s'why I'm back." With one last smile to the woman, he pushed open the preschool door to let himself out into the main hallway.

Grimmjow peeked his head into the director's office. "Good morning, Mr. Ichimaru."

"And a goo'mornin' to you, Grimmjow. I s'spect yer feelin' better?" the snake-like man replied, barely glancing up from his paperwork. "Did the memorial go alright?"

"I feel fine, sir. And, yes, the memorial went well...I'm just glad that there wasn't a body to add this time." Grimmjow told him solemly. Gin Ichimaru nodded in understanding, before waving Grimmjow off with a smile.

And so, off into the fray of tiny, snotty-nosed, and exceptionally loud children Grimmjow went, grinning the whole way through the day.


Grimmjow eased himself down onto a giant bean bag, one of the four used for story time, and sighed in contentment at all of the worn-out children around him as they slept peacefully. He heard his co-worker sit down carefully in the one beside him as he lay his head back and allowed himself to sink further into the bean bag with closed eyes.

"I can hear you over there, worrying your little heart out." Grimmjow mumbled, peeking one eye open to confirm that, indeed, Orihime was looking at him in concern.

"Grimmjow, it's just...are you sure you're okay? I feel like you're alone too much, even with Nel around." Orihime told him, twiddling her thumbs.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but - but I do...hurt." Grimmjow sat up to look straight at his auburn-haired friend, who was, in turn, looking at him eagerly for some sort of insight to how he was feeling. " my heart. I met this great guy...and I didn't even get him to kiss me properly," Grimmjow leaned in close to her so that only she could hear him, "even after I licked his ass, too."

He put a hand over his mouth to keep his laughing in control when she shoved him away, exasperated.

"I'm seriously worried about you, you arse." After he finally called down, she continued. "Is Nel still at Hal's?"

"Yeah. Starrk's bringing her by tomorrow...listen, 'Hime, I'm seriously fine. Now, I am dissapointed I didn't get the guy's number, but hey, you win some, you lose some. Now let's talk about this police man yeah?"


Is this going alright so far? I know it's slow, but I haven't learned to start stories 'fast' yet...
*rubs back of neck sheepishly*
I hope you like it.

And I'm not abandoning my other stories. Promise!

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