Chapter 7: Venomous Snakes

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"Bruce, why do I keep having to explain this to you!?" Shouted Selina as she walked away from Bruce.
"Because I don't understand what you have against giving our daughter a good education!" Barked Bruce as Selina scoffed.
"Our daughter!? Let's get one thing straight Bruce: Vanessa is my daughter, I only allow you to see her because I didn't want to do to her what my Mom did to me! As far as I'm concerned Vanessa hasn't been your daughter since I caught you fucking Vicki Vale the next day after we conceived her!" Barked Selina as Bruce shook his head.
"How many times do I have to apologize for that?" Asked Bruce as Selina scoffed. "But that's not the point!" Said Bruce as he sighed. "Whether you consider Vanessa my daughter or not she still deserves the chances in life that I can give you both! The Wayne name can open doors for her and give her a good life where she can have the freedom to choose what she wants out of life! Growing up with you I wanted to give you that too but I know you're happy with who you are and what you've gotten out of life and I accept that but don't you think she should have the freedom to choose what she wants out of life?" Asked Bruce as Selina shook her head.
"Look Bruce I know that your money and your status can give her things that I can't give her on my own but I don't want her to grow up thinking that life is just gonna hand her things just because she's a Wayne! Bruce the only reason you're not like those rich brats that you knew is because your parents died and you had to teach yourself some things! If I stopped that guy from killing your parents you wouldn't be as kind and generous and courageous as you are! You wouldn't be Batman because you wouldn't care about people like me!" Said Selina as she and Bruce both went very quiet.
"Mommy, Daddy, are you done yelling?" Asked Vanessa she stood in the doorway of Bruce's study. Both of her parents turned to see her.
"Yeah, Vanessa we're done yelling." Said Selina as she wiped away a tear that had formed.
"We're not gonna yell anymore, I promise." Said Bruce softly as Vanessa  carefully and lightly stepped into the room like she was avoiding emotional landmines.
"Can I say something?" Asked Vanessa as she sounded really scared which broke both their hearts.
"Of course Baby, don't ever be afraid to speak your mind around us ok?" Asked Selina as she picked up Vanessa and held her.
"I wanna go to school." Said Vanessa as Selina looked at her.
"Are you sure?" Asked Selina as Vanessa nodded.
"I wanna make friends and I wanna learn more about the world than just how to survive. I wanna have fun and play with other kids my age. Please Mommy will you let me go to school?" Asked Vanessa as Selina looked over at Bruce with this soft look on her face telling him that she still wanted to stick to her principles but showed that neither one of them had considered that maybe Vanessa just wanted to be a normal kid for a change. "Ok, you can go but promise you won't turn into a spoiled brat for me ok?" Asked Selina as she kissed Vanessa's cheek.
"I promise, Mommy." Said Vanessa with a smile.

Later that night Bruce and Selina filled out all the paperwork to get Vanessa enrolled in school. It was a private school so Vanessa did have to wear a uniform which she wasn't too happy about but she was just glad she was going to be around other kids her age. Bruce often slept in after a night patrol as Batman so Alfred took on the duty of dropping her off at school, though Selina came with on the first day just to see her off. Selina insisted that Alfred not pull up the car next to the school because she didn't want the other kids to see Alfred and think he was Vanessa's servant even though he wasn't. Alfred understood because Bruce also had trouble keeping friends when the other kids realized that he had a butler and even though Vanessa never thought of him as a servant, she actually called him Grandpa Alfred which Alfred thought was sweet.
Once they got to the school grounds Alfred parked and Selina walked her the rest of the way. "Ok, now don't let anyone mess with you ok? If anyone is picking on you show them that you mean business." Said Selina as Vanessa nodded. They stepped up to the door and Selina knelt down and brushed a hair out of Vanessa's face. "Ok, I love you Baby, have fun today." Said Selina as she kissed Vanessa's forehead.
"I love you too Mommy." Said Vanessa as she smiled.
"Ok, Daddy is gonna be here after school with Alfred to pick you up." Said Selina as Vanessa nodded. Selina stood and watched Vanessa go into the school. She waved good bye then watched Vanessa disappear in the group of students.

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