Chapter 1

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The General spun around and slammed his fist on the desk. "I've had enough of this! I know what's best for my son and I'm saying that he goes. This is my command Arez, do I need to remind you of that?"

"No sir, of course not, I just want to make sure you have thought this through and that we have considered all the angles. It's my job as the Mission Chief to hone the deadly edge on the war sword your plan represents, is it not?" Arez smiled slightly, pleased with his analogy, hoping this image would disarm the General's anger. "That means finding and grinding away all the burrs and this situation doesn't feel...smooth."

"Point taken, Arez. But are you seeking to sharpen the blade or keep it hidden in its sheath?"

Arez frowned and his shoulders tensed, "I only seek the best possible plan, sir, and that includes the evaluation of all personnel assignments as you are well aware."

"Yes Arez, I am aware, and you are very good at it. The best. So please relax, I meant no offense. This is a very difficult decision for me as I am sure you can understand. Please continue."

"Excellent marks in war games, near the top of his class, but questions remain about his decisiveness and temperament. Would he not benefit from additional seasoning to reduce the risk of this being an issue in the field?"

"Do his commanders agree with this sentiment, Arez?"

"They only evaluate his readiness and document his characteristics, sir, you know that. They do not speculate on the finer points; that is for mission officers like us to decide."

"Do you agree with the sentiment then?"

"It is worth considering, sir, given his.." Arez paused and turned, considering his word choice carefully. "His background. That is not condemnation, sir, one day those attributes may make him a better soldier, but is that day today?"

The General let out an exasperated sigh. "Because his mother is an Atula! That is what this is about? That was my choice, Arez, not his. Did you forget his father is a Musa, a Musa general? How many young officers can say that and have the chance learn from a mentor of my standing? What about my attributes?"

He would not admit it to his chief planner, but the General knew exactly what Arez was referring to. Why would he expect his son's potential weaknesses to escape the man responsible for overseeing every detail of the mission's success and why did it make him so angry when they didn't? Born from a most unusual coupling, a general and an Atula, his son melded almost perfectly their two personalities. Thoughtful, sensitive, and aware as an Atula might be expected to be, he was also forceful, diligent and disciplined. He had the potential be a great leader, one whose men could sense his love and respect for them and would then follow him anywhere, fight for him with passion and conviction. But would he have the strength and especially the desire to lead? The General sometimes wondered. It was a difficult path, full of loneliness and regret, not a burden men with his son's temperament typically handle well.

Arez stared blankly at his boss, knowing no response was expected or welcome. He decided to move on, for now. "Shall we continue inspections, sir? We're three days out and behind schedule."

The General rose from his desk and followed his planner down the hall toward the hanger.

"There are some troubling inconsistencies in the target's weapons evaluation, sir. Have you seen my notes? There is no sign of Tier 1 weaponry on the satellite scan but the e-sensors in the atmosphere have recently picked up some very strong signatures. If those are guns, sir.." Arez trailed off, looking again at the numbers, almost not believing them. They were nearly off the charts.

"The e-sensors have been off before, Arez. If the guns existed, where are they? You can't hide something with those readings. They would need an enormous power supply."

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