Part 53

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-Oz (Selena)-

*Selena hissed loudly,* "Alex, you are the dumbest bitch I've ever spoken with. No offence, Harley." *Harley looked offended.* "I'm literally a doctor at Arkham!"* *"I know; that's terrifying! You know who else is a doctor at Arkham?" *Selena spoke with an underlying tone of sarcasm.* "The creepiest fucker I know. And this clown girl. And Natalie Wayne, I don't even know how that girl is standing without her own backbone." *Alex scoffed.* "You don't even know Natalie,-" *Harley found herself a bit surprised Alex would stick up for someone. Maybe expanding her social groups was exactly what she needed, but Alex still felt a ping of terror when suddenly, Oz called her phone. Oz paced back and forth in his room. He didn't want to bother Alex, but this needed to be done. Alex's eyes grew wide as Selena snatched the phone out of her hand, answering and putting it on speaker, holding it to Alex's face so she could speak.* "Oh! Hey, Alex..." *Oz's voice sounded surprised that she picked up. Alex glanced up at Selena, who impatiently gave her a look.* "H-Hi, Ozzy." *She mentally scolded herself for stuttering. Oz chuckled before letting out a sigh,* "Look, I really.. Owe you a huge apology about everything, Alex. Can we meet? Just so I can give you the right apology?" *Harley looked uneasy hearing his voice. Alex thought for a moment. It was a hard decision to make, she stared between Harley and Selena.* "Okay, Oz.. Can I call you back? I just.. Need to think about it." *She sighed. Oz let out a breath he was holding.* "Of course, Alex. Take your time. I just want you healthy and happy." *Oswald stated through his teeth. More time would hurt, but hopefully, Alex would come to her conclusion sooner rather than later.*


"I was a little scared honestly; I thought he was gonna shoot me!" *Natalie chuckled at him. Jonathan didn't like how casual she was about it,* "I can assure you, that would be the last murder he ever did. He might kill for Alex, but there are far worse punishments than death that I would, personally, make sure he receives." *Jonathan smiled as he went to unlock the door,* "Wait, wh-" *Natalie couldn't finish her sentence before they were inside in front of the screaming man.* "WHERE'S DOCTOR LESLIE?" *Natalie sat across from the man and next to Jonathan,* "Until further notice, you are being transferred to under my care." *The man looked anxiously around, he struggled against the restraints that were put on him.* "NO! NO!" *He yelled out, his eyes landing on Natalie.* "FUCK! YOU BROUGHT HER?" *Jonathan nodded as Natalie's poker face remained on for the session.* "Yes, she is going to be watching our session. You do not get an option." *Natalie couldn't help but feel giddy anytime he stuck up for her. His personality could do a complete shift just for her, and she liked it.* "I'll just be observing, you won't even know I'm here." *But, it seemed too late to comfort the man. His eyes glossed over and he began to mutter obscenities about a scarecrow and Batman. Natalie looked over to Jon, who seemed very pleased with the man's reaction.* "I-I.. Wanna get out of here." *Natalie dragged Jon out as the guards reentered and took the man back to his cell.* "Was that too much, Miss Wayne? Shall we go back to our friends?" *Natalie shook her head, still holding him close* "No! I know I can handle that! S-Something's wrong, Jonathan, I-I.." *It wasn't until Natalie started mumbling 'No' that he realized what had happened.* "Shit.." *He cursed as he dragged her into an empty room.* "His dose must not have completely worn off before we entered..." *Natalie sat with no visible emotion able to be seen or studied. He'd never seen a reaction like this. He sat on the wall, pulling her closer to him just in case. He made sure the door was locked this time.*


*Alex could tell through the phone that Oz wasn't completely satisfied with her hanging up on him. Selena shook her head. *"I already know what you want to do, and I swear to God-"* *"Judge me all you want, Selena, but I'm going to meet him! I want to hear what he has to say."* Alex snapped. *"I'm tired of being afraid of him. Maybe this is what I need to do."* Selena looked to Harleen, who shrugged. *"I think this is what she needs to do."* Frustrated, Selena went back to the window. *"I'm going to kill both Penguin and Crane, just so you all know."* She huffed before leaving. *"I'm never going to get through to her."* Alex sighed, gazing out the window. *"She gets that stubbornness from her older sister."* Harleen said, raising an eyebrow at her friend. *"Ha ha."* Alex said sarcastically. "*Look, I'm gonna call Oz back now."* Harleen nodded and stayed quiet as Alex called. Oz quickly picked up the phone. Alex exhaled. *"When and where do you want to meet?"*


*Jonathan's room was special compared to the other psychiatrists at Arkham because he rigged up an aerosol dispenser for his fear serum that automatically dispensed when he wanted it to depending on the patient. He had given a large dose to Bill before they entered, a larger dose than he would normally give. Because of his immunity to it, Jonathan didn't realize how much of the toxin was still in the air when they entered. And now, it was affecting Natalie. She had a blank stare on her face as he held her, and he wondered what she saw. 'Probably her parents, idiot.' Jonathan thought to himself. He felt terrible, but he knew that all he could do now was comfort her until the effects wore off, which hopefully wouldn't be long.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now