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Chapter 47

Another POV

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Tell him what exactly? What is there to tell? I'm going to pursue Tia...point, blank, period. It's common for younger siblings to have a crush on older siblings' partners, so he'll get over it. Plus, I don't have to explain myself to Tony. Judging by our conversation the other day, I think he knows how I feel about her." There is a short pause before Jason asks, "So, is there something you want to tell me?"

Their family had warned Brandon that his hatred for Tony would come back to bite him in the ass. He was warned that Tony would get enough of his mistreatment and eventually get his lick back. It seems like Tony accumulated all of the licks he's ever owed Brandon and hit him all at once. He knew exactly what he was doing when he dropped that bomb, telling Jason about things he'd witnessed. He told him all about the shit Brandon was saying to his crew, all about the text messages and pictures, and about the videos Brandon and Tia exchanged.

"Bro, what?" Brandon's heart is thumping hard against his throat, and he's getting noticeably uncomfortable. Jason's tone clearly indicates that he's not himself right now. This is the side of him that Brandon doesn't like.

"Don't 'what' me, bitch. Was there anything going on between you and Tia? Is there any truth to what Tony said?"

"I mean, we spoke a bit, but it wasn't nothing crazy. Why? What did the motherfucker say?"

"If you're innocent, why does what he said matter?" Jason stands up from Brandon's bed, circling him like a lion prowling on its prey. "If you're innocent, let me see your phone. Let me see for myself," he says as he stops, standing close to Brandon's face. Too close... he can feel the warmth of his breath on his skin. His breathing is deep, flowing through flared nostrils.

"Jason, why are you acting like this, man? Did you take your meds?"


"Hey, hey, hey...whoa! Okay, man," Brandon says with his hands up in surrender. "I'm not saying you are, I just asked a simple question."

"I told you, I don't need that shit. It makes me feel numb, like I'm not living...just existing. I'm fine...I feel better, and I think even more clearly without it. JUST BECAUSE I TAKE IT SOMETIMES DOESN'T MAKE YOU BETTER THAN ME!"

"Alright, man. I'm not better than you. You got it. Let's just drop it, okay."

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" Jason pushes his brother hard, his back slamming against the edge of the door's frame. "Let me see your fucking phone, B."

"Jason, stop this! There's nothing to see on my phone, bro." Brandon, reaching back to soothe the ache in his back, lies knowing that he's stupidly saved every message and attachment, and if Jason catches a glimpse of anything between him and Tia, he will flip completely the fuck out.

It is rare to see Brandon afraid, shrinking under the scrutiny of his brother's demented gaze. Even more rare for him to concede for that matter. But this has always been their dynamic; Jason would stop taking the medicine he was prescribed as a teenager for his 'episodes', for when he gets angry. During this time, he seems to target Brandon, bullying him and treating him the way Brandon treats Tony. With Brandon still refusing to surrender his device, Jason says, "Bet."

That one word sends a terrifying chill through Brandon's body, knowing how unpredictable, impulsive, and violent Jason can be when he is unmedicated. If Jason saw the filth he had sent to Tia or received, no matter how long ago, he would die today. Even though he hates Tony, Brandon is thankful he is not here, being sent away to his mother's side of the family the day after nearly being caught at Tia's house again. Jason is damn near uncontrollable when he gets like this; leads to someone dying, or someone being murdered.

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