The Kahn Game

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It's two in the morning and Alessia can't sleep

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It's two in the morning and Alessia can't sleep. She's been tossing and turning all night. She's worried about Jason. She knows he's with her dad—she sent him with Joseph. But they have limited cell service where they are so it's not like Alessia can just call at any given time. She has to wait until they call her. Which they haven't yet and it has been two days now. She's just hoping that's a good sign that they're doing well and not as a bad one. Alessia leans over and grabs her phone to see a bunch of different texts.

Alessia shakes her head as all of them were still about that damn video that leaked. Some from guys and some from mean girls calling her a slut and how horrible a friend she is for sneaking around with her best friends brother. Alessia is trying to not let the messages bother her but is failing miserably. Alessia shuts her phone off completely and hops out of bed. She grabs one of Jason's hoodies and slides her slippers on. She leans over and kisses a sleeping Sebastian on his head before grabbing her keys and sneaks out. She walks over to Jason's house and unlocks the front door with the key he gave her. Alessia walks to his room and crawls into his bed sitting down and hugging her knees to her chest. And finally, letting herself feel every emotion that she has been bottling up inside her ever since the first new A message. She lets out a loud sob and lets it all out. Alessia hugs her knees closer as she cries. She purposefully went over knowing no one would hear her as she isn't going to allow anyone to see her like this. Not now.

Eventually, Alessia cries herself to sleep as she is covered in the comfort of Jason's comforter. Getting little sleep before another long miserable day.


Alessia and Spencer are currently at the Brew. Alessia barely keeping her eyes open as Spencer hands her an iced coffee. "Why are you so tired?" Spencer asks as she plops down onto the couch next to Alessia.

"Didn't sleep well," Alessia mutters as she takes a sip of her iced sea salt caramel latte. Spencer frowns as she notices the bags under Alessia's eyes and the faint of red that still lingered from crying all night. Before Spencer could make a comment Aria then rushes into the Brew.

"Okay," Aria says as she rushes over to the two and pauses slightly when she notices her friends states. "I see that you two seem really upset right now, but can you please just look at this?" Aria shows them a photo of a wrist with a tattoo or a stamp. "It's a photo of Maya."

"Yeah, I saw it," Spencer says absentmindedly.

"I found it on her website last night," Aria explains sitting down. "Spence. Sia. There is a stamp on her wrist that matches the one Emily remembers from that night—Holden really did see her there."

Spencer looks at her unethusiastically, "Yup.

"Why are you two not all go-go-gadget about this?" Aria asks confused as she knits her brows together. "This is big! This is a real link between Maya and that night."

"Look!" Aria tries to show them the photo again but Spencer snaps, "Aria, I can't do this anymore, okay? I cannot keep running around looking for clues, I can't spend hours hacking into websites. Five days ago I literally forgot to apply to college. Do you get that? First I drive Toby out of town, and now this."

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