Leo/Jason - 5

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I had this idea, instead of saying boy friend, I say boy fried. 

Leo had been pacing outside the infirmary for 10 minutes now. They wouldn't allow him to go inside and see Jason. Leo scolded himself.

This is all your fault! If you just payed more attention you would have seen them moving up behind Jason!

No, you're not of enough importance to have noticed. You're too brain dead to ever have noticed either way! 

(Leo's fears are similar to mine 🙃)

Great now I'm arguing with myself! 

Will Solace, Nico's boy fried, walked out of the infirmary. 

"Leo,  have you taken your ADHD meds yet?" asked Will as he watched the Latino pace.

"No, there was no time. How is Jason? Can I see him yet?" Leo said practically waiving off Will's question about his medicine. 

"Yes you can see Jason now. Make sure you take your medicine okay!" instructed Will. 

Leo burst into Jason's room.  Trying his best not to start crying fire. (I don't know anymore 🫠)

"Jason how are you feeling?" Leo asked with a very soft and soothing tone.

"Leo? What happened?" asked the dazed blonde.

"You got hurt but you're fine. We got that fertilizer but it wasn't worth it if you asked be."

One of Will's siblings came in, gave Leo and Jason their ADHD meds, and stated that it was safe for Jason to leave the infirmary.

"Can we go to my cabin? Please" Jason asked almost begging. 

"You don't have to ask me twice let's go. I for one, require cuddles." Leo said matter of factually.

"Ya me quiero ir a  dormir." Leo said. Whenever Leo is tired, he starts to speak Spanish

(I barely remember how to talk/write in Spanish. Ugh COVID is a jerk. But I do understand it)

It was already 9 at night when they returned to Cabin 1


Jason's POV 

I woke up looking at Leo and playing with his curls. His beautiful dark brown curls and tanned like skin with his caramel brown eyes ( or should I say ORBS). Who said boys couldn't be pretty or beautiful? Wait a minute, his eyes, they're open, SHOOT HE'S AWAKE. 

"Leo! What are you doing awake?!" Jason whisper shouted.

"Tell me what your doing up then I'll tell you" Leo said grinning. 

"Bit too much energy for 2 in the morning, don't you think?" Jason said returning Leo's grin.

"Whatever." Leo said rolling his eyes playfully "So what are you doing awake at this ungodly hour, as you like to say?" 

"Looking at my beautiful boy fried"

Leo had a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.

"Whatever save that for the morning you creep" Leo responded, smirking.

Thank you for reading my trash! I hope you have a nice day/evening/night even though I probably ruined it with my writing.

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