Chapter 5: Belle

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"No chance no way, I won't say it no no"

-I won't say I'm in love (Megara, Hercules)

Words couldn't escape my mouth. Be his...girlfriend? What was he thinking? Me and him together, that would be a disaster. How come I didn't know he liked me?

"Pretend girlfriend. Maybe I should have specified that first" He said after seeing my shocked reaction.

"Oh, pretend...Wait what? So you're asking me to...fake date you?" My head was still spinning with confusion. "Why?" I eyed him suspiciously.

He crosses his arms. "Pansy has been continuously annoying me lately. You see, she likes me. But I don't like her, and she just wouldn't give up. So I came up with the solution, if I 'date' someone she would leave me alone."

I was still trying to comprehend what he was saying. "But can't you get a real girlfriend?"

He scoffs "I don't want to date anyone. Plus you want to get with Cedric, right? I see this as a win-win situation. Fake date me and make him jealous, and I can get Pansy off my back"

I blink, well this was a good idea...I guess. But fake dating my enemy? That would be difficult. Pretending to like someone you don't, I'm no actress, and everyone knows we hate each other, so it wouldn't be convincing.

"But how would we convince everyone we're together?" I stated the issue.

"Act, we just have to act. Pretend you like me, simple." He smirks

I roll my eyes. "It's not that simple, everyone knows we don't get along."

"Then try hard to convince them." He walks towards the storage room door, placing his hand on the door handle.

"I'll let you think, get back to me when you decide whether you want to fake date me or not." Then he turns the door handle and disappears into the corridors. Leaving me standing in the storage room dumbfounded.

Later that evening, all the students were called to the Great Hall. I quickly found Hermione and took a seat next to her. The hall was filled with chatter and it seemed like no one knew why were all asked to be here.

"Why are we here anyway?" Hermione asks, to which I respond with a shrug. Just then Ron and Harry take a seat from across the table.

"I think we've got special guests, that's what I heard Professor Dumbledore say" Harry shares.

Special guests? I wonder who they were. Just as I was lost in my thoughts, I felt a hand ruffle my hair. As I turn around, I find Cedric and Liam taking a seat next to us. Cedric gives me a small smile ruffling my hair a little more.

"Hey" I say quietly. I'm sure my cheeks were flushed from his soft touch.

Before, Cedric could respond the doors of the Great Hall shut. The loud bang from the door causes everyone to quiet down. Professor Dumbledore steps up and clears his throat.

"Good evening students, you have all been summoned to the Great Hall because we have a special announcement. This year, we will be joined by two other wizarding schools, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, for a special event called the Triwizard Tournament. Now we shall welcome our visitors, please give them a warm welcome." As he finished his speech, chatter arose from the crowds, everyone was excited and anticipated the arrival of the other students.

As the doors opened, they revealed the first visiting school, Drumstrang. Everyone tries to look and see who they are. They wore thick coats that were red and brown. I noticed they were all boys and someone in the crowd stood out to me.

I whispered to Hermione "Is that Victor Krum" I squinted my eyes to see better.

"It's Victor Krum!" Someone from the back screams. All the students stood up to see.

"It is!" Hermione screams in excitement.

"Victor Krum is at our school!" I yell in joy. I grabbed Hermione's hands as we squealed.

As all the Durmstrang students settle down, another group of students enter the Great Hall. This time they were all girls, led by an extremely tall woman. They were from Beauxbatons. All the students were extremely beautiful and wore a blue dress and hat. Many boys around us became excited, including my brother. Boys will be boys. Everyone in the hall was happy to meet new students. This year will be much more exciting than the previous years, with more students, our school grounds will be more lively.

"Quiet down," Professor Dumbledore says to all the students. "Now that we have welcomed our dear visitors, before having your feast, let me explain the rules for the Triwizard tournament. Each school will have one participant, they will compete in dangerous tasks and the Goblet of Fire will choose them. Courageous and intelligent students above the age 17 are allowed to place their names in the Goblet. The participants will be chosen on Halloween."

When everyone heard about the age requirement, murmurs and complaints were heard amongst the students.

"There will be an age line around the Goblet, so don't even think about breaking the rules. Remember you must be 17 to enter. I hope you all take the time to consider participating in the Triwizard tournament. Let the feast begin!"

Students cheer and begin their feast. Many were discussing entering the Triwizard tournament. My brother and Cedric included. I also overheard Victor Krum was going to place his name in the Goblet, as expected. Despite the warnings of Professor Dumbledore, Fred and George Weasley were still planning to manipulate the age line. Which I highly doubt would exceed, when would those twins learn their lesson.

"Are you sure you want to join? The tasks are really dangerous, are you really willing to risk your life for a mere game?" I asked Cedric. I knew he was capable of participating but that didn't stop me from worrying.

Cedric chuckles "Of course! Don't worry little Belle, I'll be alright. I'm the Hufflepuff seeker, remember? I have a good stamina and strength. Worry about your brother instead" He laughs as he places an arm around my brother's shoulder.

"Yeah why are you worrying about him, I'm your brother" Liam pinches my cheek, to which I respond by slapping his arm, hard.

As everyone finishes dinner, we all return to our dorms. I part ways with Hermione and walk over to the Ravenclaw Tower. Suddenly, someone grabs my arm and pulls me towards a secluded corridor. Those arms pin me against the wall. Without even looking at him I knew who it was, that aura belonged to only one person, Draco. I lifted my head to meet his eyes. The corner of his mouth tilts up.

"So Cedric is putting his name into the Goblet, huh?" He whispers as he wraps an arm around my waist. His touch was warm under my skin, and the way he wrapped his arm around my waist was careful. As if to avoid hurting me.

"Yeah what about it" I glared at him and tried to remove his arm from my waist, but he just wouldn't budge.

"Nothing, just wonder if you thought about my offer" He cups my cheek with his other hand. His thumb stroked my cheek lightly. His gaze left my eyes to my lips, tracing his thumb across my lower lip. My body almost relaxed under his touch, but as quickly snapped out of it.

"Fuck off" I grit my teeth and slap his hand away.

"Woah, woah, there's no need to get so violent" He finally steps away from me. That smirk never left his mouth. "I was just asking, take all the time you want" He whispers before walking away and disappearing in the dark hallways.

With a racing heart, I quickly returned to my dorm, Luna was sitting on her bed reading, she looked at me as I entered.

"Why's your face so red? And why are you panting?" She looks at me confused.

I touch my face with the back of my hand feeling the heat. "Oh it's nothing, it's just hot outside"

I jump into the shower, turning on cold water. It's just hot, nothing else. I try to wash away my thoughts in the shower. It's just hot.

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