Prologue: The Incoming Storm

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The island of Yootopia was known as a safe haven to all animal kind, but yet it hid secrets underneath its beauty. One not so secret thing about the island was its sacred magical spring, with rumors saying that it has the ability to grant someone eternal youth just by taking a sip from it. This was why the spring was often dubbed the "Fountain of Youth" by many of the other animals across the world. Of course...the spring wasn't the only thing Yootopia was known for.

There was the Death Forest, a place that no one dared to tread. There happen to be some brave souls who have stepped into this dark and dreary place, some even telling the stories about what they've encountered. Of course, a place like the Death Forest also held secrets too. One particular secret was what the main inhabits of the forest were searching for. The Big Boss was a figure shrouded in mystery. No one knew the true identity of this figure, not even their own minions: Oops and Koops. The only thing their minions knew about them were their dark, deep, and scary masculine voice whenever they spoke.

Both alligators were confused as to why they were treading one of the more farther sides of the Death Forest, but whenever they tried to ask their boss where they were going, he only replied with, "Oh you'll see. This is going to help us get our hands on that spring water." Oops wanted to question more, but Koops shoved his side. If there was anything both siblings knew, it was that they didn't want to make their boss angry. The Big Boss was never in a good mood when he was angered.

Oops decided to keep his mouth shut to avoid conflict and tension all before the three stopped at what appeared to be some kind of pot with a bright, glowing light inside of it. They had found the item that the boss was rambling about earlier. To the gators, it looked like some kind of weird trashcan and not some ancient artifact. "That's a weird looking trash-" Koops quickly shushed his brother before the Big Boss could yell at them. Thinking about it sent chills down his spine. "This is the thing you were talking about?" Koops finally asked the Big Boss as Oops eyed his brother in an annoyed way.

"Indeed so. What lies before you is a soul pot. This is just one of many scattered across the island, but with these special artifacts, we can summon dangerous and deadly creatures known as the Monsters with their power," the boss explained as both gators faced the soul pot. They were scared stiff thinking about these Monster creatures. "Isn't that dangerous?!" they both exclaimed at the same time, making the boss roar, "SILENCE! I know it's dangerous, but I'm doing it if it's the last thing I do!"

Both of them shut up afterwards as their boss reached towards the pot's light, not knowing that something else was soon to happen.


In another world, four humans were doing a match together with the simple goal of defeating the Monsters and their minions that were simply known as the Undead. Even though the madness in their world had ended, the Monsters and Undead still showed up every so often, and the four humans still did their part on taking care of them all and keeping their home in check. They were simply referred to as Busters, people who fought against the Monsters and their minions. As for their names, they were Octo, Snail, Pirarucu, and Toad. What shocked Toad was that Goonyan had decided to come with them for this match.

Octo had just placed the second to last soul in their world's soul pot as the incoming Cham almost lunged at him. He nearly bumped into Pirarucu who told him to watch where he was going. She couldn't stay mad at him for a long time though. After all, she warmed up to him and the others during their previous adventure together as Busters and kind of did see Octo as a brother figure despite still growing close to her stepbrother Clione.

"Come on! Get the last soul, nyamo!" Goonyan exclaimed from afar, pumping up Snail's fighting urges. She spotted some Undead and immediately charged after them, making Pirarucu laugh a tad bit. The Cham lunged at the other three, causing Toad to instantly freak out on the spot. He quickly dashed away as Pirarucu and Octo went on their own ways, tracking and taking down the Undead. Toad was almost losing himself after being jumpscared by the Monster they were up against, and this was a Monster that could instantly take souls away when its ability was activated.

Toad needed to take a breather after being jumpscared by the Monster. He was seen breathing heavily, hand over his chest. He looked over to see Snail, Octo, and Pirarucu all doing their part on finding and battling Undead. There was only a minute left in the match, so he had plenty of time to rest. He figured that the other three could handle getting the final soul. Snail had just got the final soul and was about to place it in the soul pot before a bright light started emitting from Goonyan. Oh no... Toad thought in horror as he rejoined the other three humans.

Octo and Pirarucu were keeping the Cham distracted as Snail rushed to place the final soul in, but when they saw the bright light coming from Goonyan along with Toad shouting, "Goonyan, wait!", they all stopped and quickly dashed after Toad as the Cham stopped what it was doing and eyed them in a confused manner. "I-I don't know what's happening, nyamo!" the half-Monster shouted as light emitted from their hands. Snail was fixing to place the final soul in before she joined the other three when she saw what was happening. The four humans screamed in unison, "GOONYAN! NO!!", before Goonyan accidently shot the light from their hands, blinding the four as they were struck dead in the chests from the brightness the light emitted.

The four closed their eyes as they were sent flying back into a white void, Goonyan panicking and freaking out over what they had just done(by accident of course)as they watched the Busters vanish in an instant, the soul that snail was carrying lying inches away from the soul pot. Even the Cham was gone too. What they didn't know was that the four Busters wouldn't be the only humans they would accidently send into that void, but they didn't know that. Yet.

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