Episode 6 Invention of NewEyejutsu Part 2

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Shina with his tail beast .

"Ok now shina assume the clans in your village which you know but remember if you forgot any clan then this strong leafengan and your next all leafengan will never they can do ok " tail beast said . Shinachiku assumed one by one all clans . "Ok! done " shina said .

"Ok then " dragoon tail said . "Oh no ! " Shina shouted . Dragoon tails asked him "what happened shina " . Shina answered him " i forgot uchiha clan and hyuga clan " . "You idiot shina really idiot " dragoon tails said . "What should i do right now " he asked . Meanwhile dragoon tails answered him " Don't be plaintive now we can't change the thing which was happened now uchiha clan and hyuga clan never will able to copy the leafengan " . Shina signed . "Now I want to make another leafengan which is the mix strategy of Rasengan and Sharingan " shina said .

Dragoon tails signed . They made another leafengan. Now shina become stronger ninja . "Shina so remember this leafengan is connected to my chakra if anyone unsealed me then you can't be able to do leafengan ok remember it now " dragoon tail said . "Ok i understand " shina answered . "Leafengan is a strong eyejutsu you can do any genjutsu from him and you can also copy any type of genjutsu ." Dragoon tail said . "Ok dragoon tails thanks now i will show hoshi my power " .

At night at uzumaki house

Sakura was concerned for shinachiku because it's 8pm he didn't came . "Naruto-kun you send shina on a mission?" She asked . "Nope " naruto said . Shina entered in house . "Shina ! " Sakura said and she cuddled him.

"Where was you shina we concerned for you " sakura said while grabbing his hand while moving towards kitchen . "I am sorry mom but i was really busy " shina answered . After eating the dinner shina went to the uzumaki compound where uzumaki signs was drawned. He saw a picture of his granny ,father and mother . "Ok now Leafengan!" He said . Sakura heared it . " Naruto you heared it ?" She asked . Naruto nodded .

They both went to the compound and saw a rasengan type jutsu shina is doing and his eyes was turned as blue like little bit of sharingan. Naruto and Sakura didn't understand what he was doing .

"Shina whats this " naruto asked . Shina stopped the leafengan. He turned back and saw his parents was looking him . "Mom Dad !" He said . "What you are doing shina at night " naruto asked . "Oh it's leafengan dad i invented" shina said . Naruto and Sakura both astounded by this . "You- are you okay shina " sakura asked . "Why you can't believe on me " shina retorded. "Hey shina we believe you baby " sakura said while cuddling him .

"Shina common show me your justu " naruto told. Naruto use his rasengan . Shina activated his leafengan and he copied his rasengan but this rasengan was looking more powerfull than naruto's . Shinachiku learned already rasengan from naruto . " Amazing Shina " naruto praised shina . Shina blushed . "Shina you are the great i am proud of you my son " sakura said .

At night while naruto and sakura was sleeping with their 5 years son arashi. "Naruto shina's justu is looking more powerfull " sakura said . " Yes and it is more powerfull than sharingan " naruto said . Arashi was listening this he was disturbing from their talk . " Mumma papa did you stop talking "arashi said . Sakura told sorry to him and she took him in her arms like a baby . "Mumma stop it what are you doing " arashi said while blushing . " You are always be a little baby for us arashi chan " . Sakura said . "Mumma i will also invent a strong justu like my big brother " shina said . Naruto and sakura nodded to each other and smiling . "Yes you can " they both said . Naruto start tickling to arashi . He waa laughing .

Meanwhile someone was looking at leaf village .

End of Episode .

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