Victoria G Interviews Zoë Kilgren

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Victoria G: What inspired you to become a singer?

Zoë Kilgren: I was the weird girl on the playground singing made up songs to herself while the other kids played tag and made tree forts. I remember singing Alanis Morissette and Brandi Carlile lyrics to myself on the swing set, wishing I could be like them. Clever, beautiful lyricism, and seeing music become a live breathing thing through concerts and live performances are the biggest components that continue to inspire me.

VG: What is your favorite thing about singing?

ZK: For me, it is great catharsis. I write a lot about struggles I've been through, or deep loves I've had; I've found it's the only way to get these feelings out of me in a productive fashion.

VG: Who are your musical inspirations?

ZK: Brandi Carlile, Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes, and my bandmates inspire me all the time. James, Nick, and Richie push me to be the best writer I can be, I want to be good for them.

VG: What is your songwriting process?

ZK: It sounds so cliché, but it is my notes app and I, against the world. Throughout the day I always get little snippets of poems that come to me, and usually they can all blend together into a cohesive song.

VG: What messages are important for you to express through your music?

ZK: I used to only write about the negatives. The heartbreak, the mess-ups, the friends and family I've lost in my life. However, recently I've been really focused on embracing the love in my life and creating art that reflects that. Too often we focus on the bad things that happen to us, but I want to be able to put those good experiences into song too.

VG: Do you play any instruments?

ZK: Yes! Guitar, piano (not well), and banjo. Yeehaw.

VG: What can you share about your new single, "Can't Do This Anymore"?

ZK: This song is about going no contact with a narcissistic abusive parent. I grew up in a really messed up situation and honestly never saw myself escaping because I didn't know how. In learning how to prioritize my own safety and mental health I realized how unnecessary it is to have a relationship with someone who will never change and never actually be a good person to you. I grew up with a lot of violence, I learned how to take a hit and keep moving pretty fast, but I never hit back. This song is every time I wanted to lash out condensed into one angry moment, with the cover art being my knuckles all bloodied and torn up. Kind of like an animal shoved in a cage for so long that when you finally let it out it goes off.

VG: How would you describe yourself in three words?

ZK: Hardworking, thoughtful, and funny.

VG: Do you have any hidden talents?

ZK: I can wiggle my ears.

VG: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

ZK: I would love to be with my bandmates, touring one of our albums. Seeing the world with my best buds and writing with them as we go is the dream.

VG: What are your social media handles?

ZK: @zoekilgrenband on everything!

VG: What advice do you have for an aspiring singer?

ZK: Never skip a warm-up. Get a handheld humidifier. Don't smoke.

VG: What advice do you have for an aspiring songwriter?

ZK: I'd say to write what you know, and as you change and grow, accept what comes out of you. So many songwriters these days are so literal, or they're too referential and metaphorical; nuance is so important. If your songs can live in that universal empathetic realm, then you've got it.

VG: What's next for you?

ZK: We are working on new songs all the time and are hoping to tour the west coast this fall/winter! We also have some music videos in the works that we cannot wait to share!

VG: RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS What's your favorite genre of music?

ZK: Folk

VG: What is your favorite pastime?

ZK: Yoga

VG: Who's your favorite superhero?

ZK: Iron Man

VG: What's your favorite candy?

ZK: Watermelon Sour Patch Kids

VG: What's your favorite movie?

ZK: Magnolia

VG: What is your biggest fear?

ZK: My loved ones dying.

VG: Do you have any pets?

ZK: Sadly, no. :( 

Victoria G Interviews Zoë KilgrenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz