13. Embarrassing moment

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*Jimin's side*

After Y/n told me that, I tried to understand what she was saying... What the hell happened? And why is that my fault?!?

I went to the school field...V wasn't there
I thought he might be in the room ... In the room where nobody but only me and V uses... V uses this room more 😅😏... I think that we are the only people that maybe knows this room exists
I went there and saw him sitting on a desk...

In this room the old students have wrote down their names when they were dating someone, ex. V and Y/n=LOVE

He was looking at me as if he wanted to kill me

"What's the matter with you!?!?"I asked him

"With me?!? In this room only you have the problem!"

I scoffed "Really?!"

"Yes! You were the one who wanted to know the truth, weren't you?"

I couldn't answer him... I was afraid I might beat him up..
I really wanted to punch him!

"The f*cking reason why Y/n didn't come was because she had been beaten!!"

Suddenly all the anger I had disappeared... I stayed there looking at him...

Y/n was what? Wh-why?...? She- Is she fine? Why she didn't tell me about that?

"And that's YOUR FAULT!"
"You sent her to your class!"
"Alex and Paul?!?"
"Alex and Paul...?" I was super confused
Alex and Paul are my classmates... So what?
"Jimin! Wake up! Alex and Paul are my enemies!"
"Enemies? What?!"
"And may I ask.... Why?!"
"I-I stole their girlfriends"
"That's not surprising me!"
He looked at me with a really bad look
"Well, I didn't know that!" I said
"Yeah, you did! I have told you about them!"
"No, you haven't!"
"Yes, I have" He started coming closer to me with an expression of irony

"You have only told me about the annoying kids from this class that is next to your class!"

"Ohhhh.... That's right..."
I patted him with sarcasm... "That doesn't matter... NOW! Y/n, how is she? Did they beat her a lot? Do you know why she didn't tell me anything???"

"She hasn't told me anything about it but I think she's fine... They didn't beat her much but if I hadn't gone at the right time they could have hit her much more... No, she didn't even tell me that she had arranged to go to your house!"

"Interesting..." I zoned out... My thoughts went to all subjects, with so so many thoughts I began to think about politics! When I thought Y/n as president, I started thinking about her... I was also thinking about them(Alex and Paul)... I wonder... Are they dangerous for Y/n? Could they do anything bad to her? The truth is, I don't talk to anyone in my class... So I didn't know what phase they were going through to want to do something bad to Y/n!

"Jimin... I want to tell you something..."
"What?" I asked a little worried as I had never seen V being that serious
"If you ever see Y/n alone please go with her... They told me that they will use her to get their revenge on me"
"They don't seem dangerous but they are... They can easily hurt Y/n.."
"So... You want me to protect her when you are not around!"
"Well.... Yeah!"
I sighed

Y/n... Protecting her? If I saw something suspicious happening, obviously I would protect her... Y/n is... She is my... My best friend...But if.. If I think she's with V but she isn't?
What if they hurt her and it's my fault again? Why would anyone want to use Y/n to get revenge on V?

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