2. the most beautiful thing

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I don't know who you are

but I'll save you a seat

hang my coat on a chair next to me


"Waddup, Gentleman on the rocks?"

"Yeah, the usual"

"Long day huh?"

"yup, and a nice drink would totally help ."

Dallas took off his jacket, put it on the stool to his right, and sat down.

"Hey, you have to stop doing that"

"What?" he asked with a smile

"Don't throw your stuff around. There are other people too"

"It's just a jacket, Rowan...Perhaps he might come, so I'd have a chair open for him"

"Who? Your imaginary boyfriend?"

"He's real! come on. He's real, I just haven't met him yet." Dallas laughed

"That's pretty much the same thing. If he's real, I don't think you'll be here drinking at the bar"

"You know me too well."

"Cuz you were like that the last time, Mr.Hargrove" Rowan explained as he filled up the empty glass with more ice and whiskey and placed it in front of him.

Dallas took a sip and said, "I'd rather drink some cheap ass beer at home with him"

"Ooh, a man of class like you would drink so-called cheap-ass beer. That's a strong statement to make"

"I mean it though. Even water would taste like wine."

"Oh so you're looking for the messiah" the bartender teased

"Kinda" he giggled "If he's right for me, I'd really worship him, you know"

"What a simp," Rowan gave up and gave him a side eye

The bar was getting busier, but Rowan was still here for him.

"I'm so tired."

"Then this is your last glass now Dalli"

"Yeah, I know."

Rowan left to attend to other drinkers around the bar for a while, and Dallas started sinking into his thoughts.

'I wish I'd have someone to lean on. just someone to cheer me up on a tough day. it would be so nice too if we could cuddle all the stress away.

it would be nice to have someone to share everything with.'

"Leaving already?" Rowan asked as he got up and put on the jacket.

"I guess my soulmate is not coming today," Dallas joked with drowsy eyes.

"Get home safely now okay? Want me to get a cab?"

"Nah, I'm fine. the train will do"

He stepped outside and took a deep breath.

The cold breeze of the night felt colder walking down the street alone.

Dallas went across the quiet street heading for the station.

On the way he wished, that someday, someone will keep him warm on the way home.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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