Year 3- Chapter 2: Class 1-D Expelled!? A Mastermind Hides In The Shadows!

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Kiyotaka: Can you tell me what happened?

Nanase: They all scored horrendously. So badly that each and every one of them was expelled.

Kiyotaka: That's simply not possible. The school would never allow them in in the first place if they were truly that incompetent.

Nanase: They were apparently the type of students that you'd describe as delinquents who wouldn't pay attention in class. By the end of the month, it was likely that they'd have 0 Class Points.

Kiyotaka: There has likely been some kind of foul play at work here.

Kiyotaka- It's strange that the School would allow it but it's likely that someone spent points to reduce the scores of the Students in Class 1-D. I asked Chabashira about it. She stated it costs the same as increasing points. This means that those students were already performing badly. it's likely many were already going to be expelled. The White Room Students though. They would never allow themselves to be expelled but their desire to stay hidden was their downfall. It's likely the White Room Students were underachieving on purpose. She was likely able to rally her class to use all of their points to expel members of the other class.

Nanase: President. I know you're likely deep in thought but how will we handle this matter?

Kiyotaka: There is nothing to handle. They were expelled. It's as simple as that.

Kiyotaka- Even still. These White Room Students wouldn't dare to score just 1 point above failing. Especially because that would make it too obvious. She must have influenced Class 1-D as well. But how? Blackmail and revealing secrets of the White Room most likely. Using Blackmail to bend them to her will and using the White Room files to convince vindictive or frightened Students. With that, she was able to pool those points forward to expelling the White Room Students. Even for me such a plan would strike me as quite brazen.

Nanase: But don't you think it's suspicious that so many students were expelled?

Kiyotaka: Of course I do. I've already determined the cause. I need to however look into the other classes to find a suspect.

Nanase: We should attend to that as soon as possible.

Kiyotaka: There would be no point in that.

Nanase: Huh? What do you mean President?

Kiyotaka: The only way this could have occurred is if someone used their points to reduce the scores of Class D.  

Nanase: You can do that? 

Kiyotaka:  It's also very likely that Class 1-D betrayed one another due to Blackmail and conceit.

Nanase: Their own classmates...

Kiyotaka: Yes and based on that say we went and investigated right now. What would we find? 

Nanase: We could tell them to show their accounts! Their accounts would still be missing a lot of Private Points even if Class 1-D self-destructed.

Kiyotaka:  Wrong. We'd have no way of enforcing the revealing of their accounts. We of the Student Council have no right to do that nor should we.

Nanase: But if even a few of them show it to us...

Kiyotaka: That's not possible. The one who organized this must have an iron grip on their class. The class wouldn't go against them. Not after seeing the results their leader was able to produce.

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