Outside training

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Blaze spend half an hour with Nathaniel before getting ready for combat training, due of the hot weather the boys where in shorts and shirtless while the girls where in t-shirts and shorts

One person caught Blaze his eye, Felix.. he was wearing his t-shirt, Blaze tried to ignore it as Felix has been a thorn in his eye from day 1 as they both fight for best of the class, Blaze has to spar with Othalia- a Greek girl- but he arranged with Luna that he gets Felix while Luna gets to beat another Greek

Felix held his sword tight and Blaze always found Felix his attacks weak as for some reason Felix didn't move his arms completely making his attacks weaker, Blaze noticed this weeks ago and took it completely to his advantage

when Blaze used the handle of his sword to hit Felix in the chest Blaze thought he felt a piece of fabric around the boys chest, Blaze glared at Felix
"Armor isn't allowed bird brain" he said glaring at the boy, Felix looked down and couldn't answer, he got up to his feet and made a run to the restroom half in a panic, blaze was suspicious of it all and decided to follow Felix and see what the boy was up to

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