-----Chapter 5: Lunar--------

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Evie was sitting there hoping her friend was safe, then evie stood up quickly to see a small person. They have long-winged eyeliner. Half of their face is white while the other half is dark blue. They have a long blue hat filled with stars and a white fluffy rim. Around their neck are blue ruffles with a bell. They wear short vertically striped blue and yellow pants and blue boots. On their arms are puffy horizontal striped, red sleeves that cut off just around the shoulder with yellow stripes. They also have a long tail with a star on the end. He also does not have bells on his arms anymore, they also have two different types of pinks as his eyes. they open the door to the room that kept her in, the person look towards evie's then he put a finger over his mouth to tell her to keep quiet, evie nods her head, the small person unlocks the cage, evie steps out but evie had chains over her wrists and ankles, the person crouch down and undid them, evie rub her wrists, "thanks..." "no problem..." the person said, "i'm lunar..lunar eclipse.." evie nods her head, "thank you lunar...the names evie, evie power" "hiya evie" lunar smiles happily, "w-why are you helping me ... .lunar?" "cause eclipse is mean ... .I just want to see sun and moon again..." evie looks towards him confusedly "sun and moon?...." "my....brothers..." Lunar looks down. "eclipse built me to control moon but after I found out about eclipse's plans, I turned against him...by helping a friend of moon and sun's, monty" evie raises an eyebrow "monty?" "Montgomery Gator..." Lunar said, "Monty helps moon and sun but mostly moon due to moon's smarts..." "okay..." evie said calmly, "thank you...again ..." evie looks at him "lunar come with me...i could protect you from eclipse..." evie saids as she holds out her hands to lunar , lunar nods his head then opens a portal to his world then pulls evie into the portal then closes it

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