A dry well

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I seem to find myself mentally tired

My thoughts seems devoid of an idea

As nothing of worth seems to come to mind.

It is as if my well is now empty

Leaving the page blank of what I would write

Without a good source of inspiration

Unpredictable is inspiration

Striking most often when I am tired

And still like a man possessed I must write

So that I do not lose the idea

By waking up with a head now empty

With all the words having then slipped the mind

Now she always seems to be on my mind

Providing a source of inspiration

Seeing that my mind is never empty

With romantic dreams when I am tired

Being the clay to form my idea

Shaped to a thing of beauty next I write

Still it seems I must push myself to write

When smut and horror are not on the mind

Even Mary jane lacks an idea

When I becken her for inspiration

The situation often leaves me tired

Just as much as it makes me feel empty 

A sad poem about feeling empty

Those are the hardest ones for me to write

Some making me emotionally tired

With the great strain they can put on the mind.

The sweet turns to sour in inspiration

Blessing my writing with the idea

Tapping a pencil for an idea

The coffee cup like my brain is empty

Sadly I can't brew any inspiration

Nor will the bird outside the window write

Best I guess for me to just rest my mind

Save myself from needlessly being tired

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