Chapter 13

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As I excused myself for a quick trip to the restroom, Ella took charge of scouting the club, her eyes scanning the crowd with a sense of purpose. I made my way through the bustling club, the music and chatter blending into a lively symphony. After attending to my needs, I walked back towards our spot, eager to rejoin the festivities.

As I approached, something caught my eye—a man who bore a striking resemblance to Nick. He was dressed in a sharp tuxedo, his sleeves rolled up to reveal a tattoo on his left arm. The sight was unexpected, and I couldn't help but pause for a moment to observe him.

He exuded an air of confidence as he leaned against the wall, a cigarette dangling between his fingers. The dim lighting of the club cast shadows on his face, adding an aura of mystery to his presence. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

Curiosity piqued, I made my way closer, intending to strike up a conversation. But before I could reach him, Ella appeared beside me, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere," she exclaimed, her voice filled with energy. "You won't believe the vibe on the dance floor right now!"

I tore my gaze away from the man and smiled at Ella. "I was just admiring the view," I replied, gesturing subtly towards the mysterious figure.

Ella followed my gaze and raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Oh, who's your new friend?" she teased, a playful smirk on her lips.

I chuckled, feeling a sense of camYnderie with Ella. "Just someone who caught my eye," I answered vaguely, not wanting to reveal my curiosity about the man just yet.

With a shrug, Ella looped her arm through mine. "Well, let's get back to the dance floor," she said, leading me away from the intriguing stranger and back into the heart of the lively club scene.

As Ella and I walked away from the mysterious man in the tuxedo, the atmosphere seemed to shift subtly around us. The pulsating music and vibrant chatter of the club felt distant as my attention was drawn to the lingering sense of unease that the encounter had left behind.

I couldn't shake the feeling of his gaze boring into me, even as we moved further away from where he stood. It was an unsettling sensation, like being under the scrutiny of someone whose intentions remained veiled in mystery. The fact that I could only see his tattooed arm and the glowing tip of his cigarette in the dim club lighting added to the intrigue and apprehension.

Trying to brush off the lingering discomfort, I made a weird face in his direction, hoping to deter any further attention from him. It was a subconscious reaction, a way to express my unease without drawing too much notice.

Ella, sensing the shift in my demeanour, glanced back at the man briefly before focusing her attention back on me. "Are you okay?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

I forced a smile, trying to downplay my unease. "Yeah, just felt like I was being stared at," I replied, not wanting to delve into the details of the encounter.

Ella nodded understandingly, but I could tell she was curious about the situation. However, before she could say anything else, her phone rang suddenly, breaking the tension of the moment.

Her expression turned serious as she answered the call, her voice hushed as she spoke to someone on the other end. It became clear

that there was an emergency in her department, and she needed to attend to it immediately.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," Ella said apologetically, her eyes filled with concern. "I'll drop you off at my apartment if you don't want to go home tonight."

I nodded, grateful for her offer. "That would be great, thanks," I replied, trying to hide my unease about being left alone in Ella's apartment.

As we hailed a cab and made our way to her place, the events of the night replayed in my mind. The mysterious man in the tuxedo, his piercing gaze, and the sense of unease lingered like a shadow over my thoughts.

I walked up to Ella's apartment building, my mind still preoccupied with the events of the night at the club. As I flickered her passcode over the door monitor, the door clicked open, and I stepped inside, eager to unwind and forget about the mysterious man with the tattooed arm.

But before I could even take a breath, someone suddenly hugged me from behind, their arms wrapping around my waist tightly. I let out a startled yelp, my heart racing at the unexpected touch.

"Whoa, there! Easy now," the voice near my ear chuckled, breaking the tension. "I haven't seen you in this kind of dress before."

Still caught off guard and a bit freaked out by the sudden embrace, I reacted instinctively. Without thinking, I swung around and delivered a quick jab with my elbow, aiming for the abdomen of the person behind me.

Before I could even gather my thoughts, the man suddenly spoke, his voice filled with disbelief and a hint of irritation. "Who the fuck are you?" he exclaimed, pointing his index finger towards me accusingly. "And how do you have access to Ella's apartment?"

I felt a surge of indignation at his accusatory tone. Scrunching my eyes in annoyance, I retorted, "I should be asking you the same thing. Who are you?"

The man straightened up, his figure tense as he replied, "I'm Jimin."

I blinked, taken aback by his straightforward response. "Well, Jimin, I'm her girlfriend," I declared, my voice carrying a mix of defiance and amusement.

Without waiting for a response, I quickly turned on my heel and dashed towards the door leading to Ella's apartment. As I reached for the handle, I couldn't help but mutter under my breath, "Such a simp."

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