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“Darling I have good news for us”

“What's the good news hubby ?”

“You won’t believe me after our long efforts we can finally get kids happiness back.”

“ It great dear I’m so happy , I can just not imagine how happy Ryan and Lily would be.”

“Same here darling , I think you should call them and tell them to come home early, I just can’t wait to tell them.”

“Of course, hubby.”

( As parents happiness is dependent on kids happiness. Daniel and Mia both are happy that they can  full fill  their mistake that can bring back the smile of there kids, they are longing for).

(In college)

“Finally! Class is over. It so tiring I am just feed up.”(exclaimed lara)

“I agree but I am so happy that ,we  got selected and can work on project which can lead me to  London.”(Lily said in happiness but tensed)

“I know you are tensed but are you sure  through this pproject you could find ,  Ruby and Ervin?”(Lara asked)

“It's possible, I think so (lily said in hesitation)

(Lily alway shared everything with his brother but this time, she couldn’t thing of way how to tell him this as it was connected with her safety as she has to go London alone for this project. And she is totally aware that Ryan will be knowing why she participated in it and going to london.)

“But first I have to tell brother about it”(lily said)

“When will you tell Ryan?”(lara asked)

“I was about to yesterday but when I tried to tell mom came in our room so I couldn’t tell him.”

“Tonight. I'll share everything with him.”(lily said)

(Suddenly, Ryan's voice interrupted their conversation.)

“Lily, what's up? You seem excited about today's class, but what's wrong? Don’t try to hide anything from me, okay?” (Ryan asked,  in concern voice.)

“No, brother, but I have something to share with you,” (Lily replied nervously, her heart racing.)

“What happened? Did you again fight with someone?”( Ryan asked, in his serious tone .)

“No, brother. Why do you always think of that first? You always blame me. You should listen to me before saying anything like this. What do you think of me?”( Lily said, in her frustration .)

“What will he think? Everyone knows what a great fighter you are,” (Calix teased,lily.)

“Brother, see what brother Calix brother is saying about me. Tell him to shut up, otherwise…” (Lily said in anger .)

“Otherwise what?”( Calix taunted, enjoying Lily's reaction.)

“Enough! Be quiet. Both of you, stop it,” (Ryan said , as his patience ended.)

“But, brother…” (Lily started to protest.)

“Lily, I said enough,” (Ryan commanded  her.)

“Okay, brother,”( Lily stopped knowing when to back down.)

(Later, Ryan informed Lily that they needed to go home early because their parents had asked them to. Lily questioned why, but Ryan had no answers, so they bid farewell to their friends Lara and Calix and headed home. Upon arriving home, they found their parents sitting on the couch, waiting for them.)

“Lily is something wrong did you again done something.” (Ryan asked in scary voice)

“Brother not again ,why you always blame me I don’t have any ideas why today our parents looking so scary”(lily said in anger and fear.)

“They entered and said ‘we are back home’ mom and dad ( said together )

“Ryan asked mom is something wrong you called us home early”(Ryan asked in fear)

“ No son ,we both have something to share with you both that all”(mom said in loving voice.)

“Everything okay mom and dad”(Ryan asked in concern)

“ Yes son”(Father said)

(After this as Daniel and Mia revealed their plans to shift to London, Lily and Ryan were overcome with joy. Their eyes sparkled with excitement, and they exchanged a knowing smile that conveyed their happiness to their parents.)

“London?”( Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement)

“Yes, dear. We’ve been offered an opportunity there, and we think it’s best for all of us,” (Mia explained, with happiness in her eyes.)

Ryan smiled, his heart busted with happiness for his family. “That’s amazing news, Mom, Dad.”

(They all talk about it in detail and there  father told them every thing. After that they all went to there rooms.)

(Their mom then suggested)“Why don’t you both go freshen up and rest? It’s been a long day.”

(Excitement  filled within , Lily and Ryan they  hurried to their room. As soon as they entered, Lily couldn’t contain her excitement and began jumping around.)

“London! Can you believe it, brother?” (Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with pure joy.)

(Pov ryan )
(Ryan chuckled at Lily’s activities). “I can’t believe it either, Lily. But I’m so happy for Mom dad and you . And can’t wait to see her.)

(Their happiness was indescribable,but later Lily realized she needed to tell Ryan about the project she would be working on at a London university. She called her brother and confessed everything. As Ryan learned about it, he felt a twinge of anger, knowing Lily hadn’t told him earlier. However, he quickly calmed down and said, “Okay, I’m not angry, but never do this again without telling me, alright?”)

(Lily breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for her brother’s understanding. )
“I promise, brother I won’t keep anything from you again,”( she assured him.)

Then, almost as if reading each other’s minds, they both said together ,

(They exchanged a confused glance, unsure of how they could make it happen. However, they were aware that its not that easy .They both  decide to find them together in London how so ever possible.)

Excited for their journey so,🤔

Stay tuned cuties. ❤️❤️

Next chapter coming soon 🤗

Keep reading 📚

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