00. Intermission

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in your years, you've been alone, too
hidin' from the monsters in your head.


rules' n such.

time for more readers inserts,,, yeehaw


— going for the more so platonic and/or familial route with all of these! mostly for my own comfort, 'cause I was starting to get a little bothered by hardly finding any others, I'll be honest /lh, but I'll likely be up for hinting toward romance in certain ones. we'll just have to see ;3
— primarily gender-neutral with a human perspective unless specified otherwise, probably going more feminine leaning perspective for most of these, but I'll still be trying to leave it closer to the middle ground.
— if you want to send one in, requests are flexible, just keep them descriptive, even if it's just two lines! I usually need more than just a couple of words to go off of, timeframe included if it's even important, unless you wanna throw a random prompt in as well for me to go off of, 'cause those are fun :'0
— I'm mostly going to be writing whatever comes to our mind otherwise, certain crossovers included. this is to hopefully get some stress off our mind when it comes to doing stuff on time or anything.
— I'll likely mostly be writing for wukong and macaque,,?? they're just the characters I'm the most familiar with, plus uh. comfort character status
— mental/physical stuff you wanna see written for once? /lh just drop it in the comments and see if we're up for it, 'cause we've got too many physical problems to name here, but the general mental conditions we're willing to write for start with adhd, autism, depression, anxiety, did/osdd, and psychosis. go wild
— we do indeed have a good few headcanons for demons in this universe, because thank you, c.ai for fueling my brain with those, so you'll likely get to see those featured somewhere.
— side note; I have an old fanfic for this same thing on ao3 (and I think still on here, somewhere?) titled 'war of hearts', so you'll likely see some stuff from there rewritten at some point!

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