6. Int. Ballroom - Next Day - Morning

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Camera cuts back with a wide shot of the large ballroom.

Looking through the room and seeing the castle workers hastily preparing tomorrow's celebration, River thinks about how it's only one more day, the time coming closer.

Stace notices her expression.

Are you doing okay?

Yeah. I just still have a hard time accepting what's to come. I just wish I had more time...

Saying this, a person comes in through a side door from the outside.

Seeing a brief glimpse of the outside, that isn't in the courtyard, makes River have an idea come to mind.

Is there anything I can do to alleviate the worry?

River smiles devilishly.

You know what? There is.

Okay! As your lady-in-waiting and friend, it's my duty to help you relieve stress and anxiety! What can I do to help?

Well, hear me out on this. But... What if we snuck outside of the castle?

(Shocked whisper)
What...?! But your father doesn't want you to go outside, don't you remember that...?! It's supposed to be dangerous with the recent attempt to overthrow the crown...!

I know... But I have a plan that could not only get us out, but keep us safe...

(Curious yet doubtful)
And what would that be...?

I get dressed in your clothes. It'll make me look like a servant so that I can get outside. And not looking like I'm wealthy would probably help keep me safe.

Stace facepalms.

Sigh, why am I surprised your plan could actually work? Fine. Fine! But... It's my neck on the line if we get found out. Got it?

River nods.

Got it. But I'll make sure we don't get found out. Even if it means embarrassing myself.

Camera pans out from Stace's reaction before cutting.

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