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"I should have listened to auntie..." A small prince spoke as he looked around in the forest he got lost in.

He was told not to stray too far from his guard, Aunt Athena, but he didn't listen.

Now he was alone in a scary and dark forest without knowing where to go.

"If I just stay in one place...they can find me, right?" He whispered to himself.

He sat in front of a tree, resting his back against it as his grip tightened on his training sword made out of wood.

He felt eyes on him, but he didn't move, hoping his Aunt would find him soon.

Suddenly, a shake in a bush not too far startled him.

"Hell...hello?" He called out, slowly getting up. "I-I can sla-slay you! I've been training!"

He walked over to the bush that hadn't moved since; walking with his sword extended out before him.

'Maybe it was just a squirrel...' He thought, walking with a bit more courage.

He poked the bush, and out came another boy.

"AHHHH-" He screamed and fell back, seeing a boy suddenly appear in front of him.

"AHHHH!" The boy screamed back.

They both sat there, screaming at each other.

"AH-" The other boy screamed, but stopped to cough as he had choked on some spit.

Jason took this time to put some distance between himself and the stranger, scrambling up from he grass he wasn't really worried about the grass stains on his white clothes.

He watched as the boy coughed, hitting his chest a few times.

The boy was a bit shorter than himself, but he guessed they were the same age.

He had dark skin and curly hair, something he doesn't see often in the Empire.

"W-who're you?" He asked the curly haired boy.

"That's what I should be asking you!" The boy said after a final cough.

Even though he was smaller than the prince, he seemed confident and cheerful, like he wasn't screaming his head off a few moments ago.

"I don't need to tell you!" Jason tried to look as confident as the stranger, but he probably just looked like a wet Pomeranian shivering.

"Why?" The boy tilted his head, some of his hair parting to show his ear. "Not like you're anyone important."

"Hey!" The Imperial Prince gritted his teeth, his face getting red. But he stopped when he saw the others ear.

It was pointy.

"Wait..." The Prince squinted, his eyes widened and his mouth even more. "Are elf?"

The boy covered his ears quickly. "No!"

"Yes you are!" The Prince pointed at him. "Your ears!"

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